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Heart problems in women are neglected

Heart problems in women are neglected

It was long thought that heart problems due to blockage of the coronary arteries mainly occur in men. It is now known that it is also the leading cause of death in women.

Neglect of heart problems in women
Nevertheless, women receive less medicines and receive less advice to prevent the complaints. Research shows that women have different complaints than men and that the risk factors also differ. For example, the risk of complaints in obese women is 64 percent, compared to 46 percent in men. This is probably because women have narrower veins, which clog more easily.

Death under 50
Women who have a heart attack under the age of 50 die twice as often as men in the same circumstances. 42 percent of women who have a heart attack die within a year, of men this is the case in 'only' 24 percent.

Hopefully this research will lead to better treatments for heart problems in women.

Also read:cardiovascular disease in women