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Coffee and sex promote stroke

Coffee and sex promote stroke

Research by the UMC Utrecht has shown that daily activities such as drinking coffee, blowing your nose and having sex can lead to a stroke for high-risk groups.

Don't immediately stress:the results only apply to people with an untreated brain aneurysm – a weak spot in the wall of a blood vessel in the brain. Researcher Monique Vlak told'It can be compared to a balloon. The wall can stretch, but at some point the barrel bursts † This causes bleeding in the brain.”

To reassure you even more:only two percent of people have a brain aneurysm. And in a very limited number of people of that two percent, the wall cracks and a stroke Place.

Risk Factors
Monique Vlak and her colleagues studied 250 patients with brain aneurysms, where it led to a stroke. They concluded that there are eight risk factors that significantly increase the risk of stroke:

Drinking coffee;
– Intense physical exertion;
– Blowing the nose;
– Having to make an effort to defecate;
– Scare;
Drink cola;
– Being angry.

The increased risk is short-lived. The factors cause a sudden but temporary increase in blood pressure

If you fall into the risk group, it is wise to avoid all risk factors. So no more coffee and cola, but of course keep exercising, just not too intensively.

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