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Stress can give you a stress attack

Stress can give you a stress attack

Cardiologist Janneke Wittekoek specializes in the female heart. Especially women with busy lives, in the age of 40-55 years, are at risk of having a stress attack, she says.

In an interview, Wittekoek says that there are still many general practitioners and cardiologists who focus too much on clogged blood vessels as the sole cause of a heart attack. As a result, a stress infarction is often missed'.

Heart problems

Wittekoek daily sees female patients who suffer from heart problems due to too much stress † “We know that women, especially between the ages of 40 and 55, face busy lives, sometimes unhealthy lifestyles and reduced estrogen production. The menopause can take a heavy toll on your heart vessels.”


Anyone who gets complaints after a stressful day does not always think of a heart attack. Pain in the chest, between the shoulder blades and the feeling that your bra is too tight can indicate an infarction. A severe cramp can even create the feeling that you are dying. On closer examination, if the arteries around the heart are not clogged, stress is often overlooked.

According to the cardiologist, the stress infarction in women is a blind spot in healthcare. Where a 'normal' infarction is caused by the coronary artery blockage, a stress infarction is caused by a cramp. It is important to remain calm, she says. Anxiety and hyperventilation only make it worse. And knowing that there is such a thing as a stress infarction helps in communication with the doctor or cardiologist.

Stress can give you a stress attack

Source:Linda Image:Getty Images

Stress can give you a stress attack Stress can give you a stress attack

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Stress can give you a stress attack
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