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Healthy lifestyle difficult to achieve

Healthy lifestyle difficult to achieve

One in two Dutch people does not exercise enough, one in ten is too fat, one in ten drinks too much alcohol and more than one in four Dutch people smoke. This is apparent from new figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

In recent years, the Dutch have made little or hardly any profit in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle † For example, in 2009 there was no increase in the number of people who exercise sufficiently compared to 2007 and 2008. This applies to all age groups, for both men and women.

Also the results for moderate overweight among adults aged 20 years or older were virtually the same in 2009 as in 2008. In addition, the number of adults with severely overweight increase.

Positive dot
A positive development is that viewed over a somewhat longer period, the number of smokers in the Netherlands continues to fall slightly † 23 percent of all women smoke and 31 percent of men.