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The latest health tip:Cordyceps mushrooms!

Mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for decades. Meanwhile, medicinal mushrooms are becoming an increasing trend worldwide. Discover everything about Cordyceps mushrooms and the health benefits.

The latest health trend:medicinal mushrooms

Although the Chinese have used mushrooms for thousands of years for their medicinal and nutritional properties, mushrooms were discovered not so long ago in the Western world. However, it has now become a true trend:using medicinal mushrooms to support one's own health. Athletes also use mushroom supplements to promote performance in a natural way.

There are more than 8,000 types of medicinal mushrooms, of which the Cordyceps species belongs to the absolute top. That is not surprising, because the Cordyceps mushroom contains, among other things, polysaccharides (beta-glucans), cordycepin, lipids, sterols and adenosine. All substances that give the body an energy boost, strengthen endurance and at the same time have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

'Scientists have only recently confirmed what ancient cultures have known for centuries; mushrooms contain some of the most potent medicinal compounds found in nature ' PAUL STAMETS - MYCOLOGIST

What is the Cordyceps mushroom?

The genus Cordyceps consists of more than 700 species, many of which are parasitic. That means the mushroom uses an insect as a host. Some species do not live on an insect, but have a symbiotic relationship with an insect. By the way, you don't have to be afraid if you opt for a supplement:nowadays the mushroom is grown on substrates, which makes it also suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Unique properties of the Cordyceps mushroom

  • Works against fatigue
  • Improves oxygen uptake (better sports performance) and lung function
  • Good for fertility (man and woman) and libido
  • Provides support to the kidneys

As you can see, the coryceps mushroom can be widely used. Both as support for general health, and as an alternative treatment for various complaints and disorders. This includes lowering cholesterol, regulating the fat profile, support for kidney disease and general support for the heart and blood vessels.

Various studies have also shown that the active substances in the Cordyceps mushroom have a positive influence on the glucose metabolism (diabetes), protect the liver and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Cordyceps supplements

Although the mushroom is parasitic on insects in the wild, substrate culture is used in most cases for the production of supplements. This prevents contamination with bacteria, fungi and metals. Preferably a biological supplement is chosen. The cordyceps mushroom is available in powder form as well as in capsules.

Side effects and disadvantages

The mushroom has no adverse side effects and it does not make you hallucinate. However, in exceptional cases a high dose can cause abdominal complaints, which manifests itself in diarrhea. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding should not use these supplements, as too little is known about the effect among these groups.

Caution :Are you on blood pressure medication or immunosuppressive drugs? Or medicines for asthma? The use of cordyceps mushrooms can enhance the effect of this medication!