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How to use the Health app

How to use the Health app

You may have already noticed, when you have updated to iOS 8, your iPhone has a new app:Health.

Your steps are already being counted
Health is a white square with a red heart in it. When you open the app, you will see that the app has kept track of everything; how many steps you have taken, how many stairs you have walked and how far you have walked. This is all done automatically by means of a chip in your phone.

Add your other apps
That's not all you can do with Health. Health is also a gathering place for all your health app. So do you use other apps or keep track of your nutrition or running laps? In Health you can add them all and keep a handy overview of your lifestyle.

Keep your phone with you
If you want the distance and number of steps Health indicates to be accurate, you should keep your iPhone with you as much as possible.

Medical ID
You can create a medical passport in the app. Here you can, for example, indicate allergies. This data can be consulted in an emergency, even when your screen is locked.

Have you used the Health app yet?