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The two main benefits of CBD oil

CBD oil is still growing in popularity. Not surprising, because CBD oil has many benefits. Discover the two most important benefits of CBD oil:nighttime sleep and anti-inflammatory.

What is CBD oil?

If you are not yet familiar with this oil and are wondering:'What is CBD oil?' Below is a brief explanation of what CBD oil is exactly. By the way, do not confuse this with THC or cannabis oil. Cannabis oil contains THC, a substance that causes you to get high or stoned. Unlike THC oil, CBD oil is legal and will not get you high or stoned.

CBD is actually an abbreviation that stands for cannabidiol. That is one of the substances that can be found in the hemp plant. Numerous products are made from the hemp plant, of which CBD oil is used for health.

Our body uses the endocannabinoid system for communication between cells, organs and tissues. This system is responsible for all kinds of processes in our body, including the immune system, our appetite, but also regulation of pain stimuli.

Cannabinoids from the hemp plant have strong similarities with our body's own endocannabinoids. This ensures that CBD perfectly connects to certain receptors (CB1 and CB2 receptors) in our body. As a result, it supports numerous processes in our body.

Why choose organic CBD oil?

CBD oil is extracted from hemp plants. Unfortunately, pesticides are often used in the cultivation of crops. Residues of these chemical pesticides can remain in and on the plants. If you choose organic CBD oil, you choose a 100% responsible cultivation method, without the use of chemical pesticides. You can recognize organic products by different BIO certificates.

The two main benefits of CBD oil

Although CBD oil can be used for many facets of health, two health benefits stand out above all else:

  • CBD oil contributes to a good night's sleep
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect

Many people experience complaints when it comes to sleeping. Think of insomnia, difficulty sleeping or difficulty falling asleep. CBD oil can contribute to a good night's sleep. Cannabidiol acts as a natural tranquilizer, enabling your body to optimally relax during sleep.

Inflammation is nothing more than the body's immune response to a harmful attack. These attacks can occur from the outside as well as from the inside. Think of injuries, infections, but also autoimmune diseases. If there is inflammation, cytokines are too active or anti-inflammatory. CBD can have both an activating and an inhibitory effect on cytokines, thereby inhibiting inflammation.

Oil or capsules?

CBD oil can be taken in oil form as well as via capsules. CBD oil is dripped directly under the tongue for best results. After instilling, wait about 60 seconds and then swallow. The taste of CBD oil depends on the type chosen:if you choose pure, it will taste more nutty, while the raw version will have a fairly bitter taste. Don't like all kinds of (side) flavors? Then simply choose capsules that you can simply swallow.

There are different strengths of CBD oil available. What strength (percentage) you take is very personal. How quickly CBD oil works depends on the form in which it is taken. CBD oil is absorbed after about 20 minutes, while the oil from capsules needs about 3 hours to work optimally.

The CBD oil in the form of capsules is digested by the stomach, so that there is a constant release of CBD into the bloodstream. It takes a while before CBD is released because it still has to go through a process, but that is mainly the advantage of capsules compared to CBD oil. This is immediately absorbed in one go through the mucous membranes into the bloodstream. As a result, it also leaves your body faster and it is better to use capsules than CBD oil to sleep through, for example.

Dosage of CBD oil

The dosage depends on the percentage and your own preference. It is advisable to start slowly with 2 – 3 drops per day 2-3 times per day and gradually build up as needed. Incidentally, it is almost impossible to take an overdose.