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The latest health books

When it comes to health, we could all use some help and advice. Rather than searching for information through Google, a book may be a better choice. We have therefore listed the latest books (which are in stores now or will be released soon) about health.
Click on the price to shop.

The latest health books The Dr. Ludidi Fasting Method
Intermittent fasting:responsible fasting for everyone
Hugh Jackman does it, as does Jennifer Lopez. You hear a lot about it, but what does intermittent fasting actually mean? Is this just another new diet? And isn't it unhealthy?

In The Dr. Ludidi Fasting Method, Samefko Ludidi, a nutrition scientist with a PhD who has been using this method for years, clearly explains what intermittent fasting actually means and how you can apply it in your life. Because it is much more than just another new diet. The basis is to learn to eat healthy and to pay attention to regularity and timing. All of this is scientifically substantiated, including a study conducted by Dr. Samefko Ludidi specifically for his fasting method.
He shows you that fasting doesn't have to be a torment, but is actually very easy and debunks stubborn food myths like:'Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?'. You can also get started with his diagrams and recipes from the book. Whether you are in the office from 9 to 5 or are a fanatic athlete:Dr. Ludidi has an interpretation for every type that suits you!
PRICE:€ 20.00

The latest health books Personal Body Plan – The Recipe Guide
DoorMeal recipes for the best version of yourself
Want to look smokin' hot this summer without dieting? It seems like an impossible combination, but from April onwards, the sequel to Personal Body Plan – The Fat Burning Guide will be available:The Recipe Guide! From the kitchen of DoorMeal, the meal service of Changing Life, which also includes Personal Body Plan.

In Personal Body Plan – The Recipe Guide, Tom Barten (founder of Changing Life, the parent company of Personal Body Plan and DoorMeal) and Hannah Vreugdenhil (the driving force behind DoorMeal) combine knowledge and expertise. How can you continue to eat well and create visible abs at the same time?

The two, once lovers, now business partners, practice what they preach. They find it important to look good and feel vital, but do not want to compromise on taste and pleasure. And now you don't have to. In this cookbook they serve healthy recipes. All recipes contain nutritional values, tips to adapt it to your goal and facts. All ingredients are easily available. Summerbody, here we come!

The latest health books Wake up – 100% mentally healthy
Why can you lie on a tropical island and still feel bad? Why are you already nervous about a presentation that you have to give in a month's time? Why can you go to a movie with a friend and still both have a completely different experience? These discrepancies have everything to do with our thoughts. We only feel what we think 100% of the time, not what is really happening. Our emotions, our feelings are an indirect reaction to the world, because there is always thought in between. That's why you can worry about a problem one moment and not the next, while the problem has not been solved in the meantime.

Awake is the no-nonsense self-help book for people who want to stop worrying and stop being a slave to their thoughts. Marnix Pauwels gives you the insights to break this spiral and gives you insight into this mindfuck of your brain in a sober way.
Awake – 100% mentally healthy by Marnix Pauwels will be published on May 8th.
Price:€ 17.50

The latest health books Seniority
The ingredients for a long, happy, fit and healthy life
After his books Echt Radmilo and MOMS, personal trainer Radmilo Soda launches Seniority in mid-April, especially aimed at people over 50 who want to grow older in a healthy and fit way . Aging comes naturally, but what's the secret to staying fit longer or even anti-aging? On the basis of eighteen interviews with well-known professors, doctors, scientists, top athletes, dietitians and experience experts, Radmilo unravels the ingredients for a long, happy, fit and healthy life. In addition, the book contains information based on his years of experience in the field of nutrition, exercise and lifestyle, simple exercises that you can also perform at home or even sitting, and delicious recipes from Radmilo himself.
Seniority is available at bol. .com. Price:27.50 euros.

The latest health books The Brain Body Diet
The Brain Body Diet by Sara Gottfried will be published on 21 May. The diet book that goes further than all other diet books:not treating the symptoms, but tackling the causes! If the connection between your brain and your body is not healthy, you develop inflammation, gain weight and get sick. And if your body is sick, you don't think clearly and your brain can't function optimally. This way you end up in a vicious circle.

The Brain Body Diet helps you initiate a healthy connection between brain and body in 40 days. This way you become healthier, more energetic and you lose more weight than ever, and this time permanently. Because the fact that you gain weight after a diet is not due to falling back into old habits, but because your brain and body are not healthy enough. This book will help you eat in the right proportions, without having to exclude food groups. Your new lifestyle, relaxation and sleep will do the rest.

Sara Gottfried graduated from Harvard as a women's health expert. In The Brain Body Diet she pays extra attention to the refined hormone system of the woman and environmental factors, with clear information about restoring the 'damaged seven' that lead to plateaus and weight gain:Toxins, Body weight set point, Brain fog, Addiction, Anxiety, Depression and
The Brain Body Diet – Sara Gottfried
Available May 21, 2019

The latest health books Focus ON/OFF
Block the 4 concentration leaks and get more done in a world full of distractions
A lack of focus makes you react faster to impulses (WhatsApp messages, incoming mail, ambient noise). When you don't have a grip on your attention, you are lived and you lose time on 'hard work' instead of being productive. Another consequence of loss of focus is that it makes you unhappy as soon as your mind wanders. It is the opposite of being 'in the moment'. Another thing:open plan offices are just as damaging to the brain as smoking weed. When your colleague is on the phone next to you, your productivity drops by 60 percent. Just as important to turn your focus on is to be able to turn it off. For example in the evening, so that you sleep better.

Notable eye-openers about the brain:
Burnout by WhatsApp
Lack of focus makes unhappy
Office yards as harmful as smoking weed
These are some conclusions from brain expert and bestselling author Mark Tigchelaar. He spent 15 years researching the brain and gave several TEDx Talks about it.
Focus ON/OFF
Price:€ 20.00

The latest health books You are what you say
The power of mirroring
Patricia van Lingen has been guiding people for years who are at an important crossroads in their lives. Central to her coaching is the mirror method, with which she teaches you to look at yourself and your environment in a different way.

By reflecting on the basis of three simple questions, you gain more insight into why you say, do and feel something, and what the impact is on your relationships and your environment. Because only when you openly and honestly confront yourself, true transformation is possible. An eye-opener for anyone who wants to strengthen the relationship with themselves and with others.

The latest health books Elemental Habits
Stop smoking, lose weight, spend less time on your phone, exercise more, read more… We all have habits that we either want to get rid of, or that we just want to keep. But that always proves difficult in practice. You keep repeating bad habits, not because you don't want to change, but because you are using the wrong method.

James Clear helps you find a way that does work. After three years of research, he has written the ultimate guide, using theories from biology, psychology and neuroscience, that makes unwanted habits go away and makes it much easier to get started with your good habits. The translation rights of Elementary Habits have already been sold to 37 countries.
Elementary Habits by James Clear will be released on June 4, 2019.
Price €21.99

The latest health books PRFCT.
In seven steps to an optimistic self-image
Your self-image determines how you behave in everyday life. Psychologist Saskia Geraerts discovered that many clients have a very wrong image of themselves. If you want to change your life and get different results, it starts with a different image of yourself.

Seven Simple Steps
In the book PRFCT. show them how to look at yourself differently in seven easy steps. From clinical psychology she explains how our brains work, how our behavior comes about and how we believe what we believe. And even more interesting:you learn how to change this in order to be happier and lighter in life. Imperfect or I'm perfect? The choice is yours.
Appears 21 June