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15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

Lemon Balm is an herb with incredible benefits and uses .

Everyone knows this aromatic herb for its sweet, lemony scent.

But did you know that it is perfect for making an infusion with soothing properties?

It's THE ideal natural remedy to relax after a long stressful day!

And that's not all... It is also used to relieve anxiety and promote sleep, in case of insomnia.

It is also renowned for its powerful digestive properties and for relieving insect bites...

In short, the list is long!

In the kitchen, lemon balm gives a fresh flavor to food.

Its flowers are very popular with bees and other pollinators.

In addition, lemon balm is very easy to grow at home, in pots or in the ground.

But you can also find it in the spice section of any supermarket, in dried form.

Lemon balm is both an aromatic herb and a medicinal plant that really deserves to be known.

Today, I'm showing you lemon balm, a MAGIC medicinal herb with 1000 benefits and uses . Watch:

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

Lemon balm:a plant with 1000 uses

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

This plant is also known as "lemon balm ", "lemon grass " or "bee pepper ".

Thanks to its many virtues, lemon balm is often recommended as the first medicinal plant to have in your garden.

That's how I discovered the fascinating world of herbal remedies.

Now I only use this for natural relief of all common minor health issues.

Since this discovery, my garden is literally filled with all kinds of medicinal plants!

At home, we use them to relieve pain, digestive problems and much more.

By the way, maybe you also want to grow your own plants?

So here's how to create your own medicinal and aromatic herb garden.

But back on topic:how I started using lemon balm.

As you know, as soon as you have children, nocturnal awakenings are commonplace!

For me, it's been several years since I woke up in the middle of the night because of the children.

As a result, I had more and more difficulty falling asleep. Or just sleep well!

It was horrible. I felt like I was tired all the time.

As a result, I tested all the remedies imaginable to regain a normal sleep pattern.

I discovered that one of the most effective remedies to find restful sleep , it is a lemon balm tea.

It's so effective that now it's part of my little evening routine!

Before bed, I drink my cup of lemon balm tea and I sleep like a log.

Want to know how to make herbal tea?

Don't worry, I'll explain in detail how to make a good lemon balm tea, a little further down in the article :)

All this to say that if you too have trouble sleeping, try lemon balm !

And while we're on the subject of sleep…

Are you sure you're eating everything you need to help your body sleep well?

I advise you to look at this list of foods known to improve the quality of your sleep.

And also take a look at foods to avoid, as they tend to disrupt sleep.

For 100% natural remedies to fight anxiety and sleep better, click here.

Today, I have become such a fan of lemon balm that I let it take over a large part of my garden…

And know that my garden, it's really not very big!

But maybe gardening isn't really your thing?

Or, quite simply, maybe you don't have a garden?

If so, you can get some dried lemon balm, like this one.

That way you can add it to your herbal medicine first aid kit.

But that's not all…

Know that the wonderful uses of lemon balm go far beyond the soothing herbal tea.

It can be used in the garden, for cleaning the house, to enhance the flavors of your dishes...and much more!

Here we go ! I show you all the incredible uses of lemon balm .

The medicinal uses of lemon balm

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

Lemon balm is one of the most used plants in herbalism, thanks to its calming and soothing properties.

Indeed, lemon balm is known to soothe anxiety and promote sleep .

It is for these two reasons that I use it most often.

Yes, as mentioned before, because of my children's nocturnal awakenings, my sleep pattern was totally out of order.

I thought everything was going to be okay when my kids finally started sleeping.

But the damage was done:I couldn't sleep anymore.

I tried everything I could to get back into a good sleep pattern and sleep more soundly.

And what changed everything for me was lemon balm.

Are you a restless sleeper?

And do you often wake up and have trouble falling back to sleep?

So believe my experience:try it, and you'll see right away if it's an effective remedy for you!

Here are the medicinal uses of lemon balm in herbalism :

- It has an antiviral action . It is a recognized remedy for treating cold sores due to the herpes labialis virus. Lemon balm also helps fight against other viruses. (Source 1)

- It relieves headaches and nervous tension due to menstrual disorders . (Source 2)

- It relieves indigestion and nausea . (Source 3)

- It relieves stress and anxiety . (Source 4)

- Studies indicate that it is an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes . Further studies on this benefit are in progress. (Source 5)

- It improves heart health . (Source 6)

- It increases cognitive function . (Source 7)

- Lemon balm essential oil has many medicinal uses . In particular, it can relieve the symptoms of dementia and treat skin problems.

Precautions &contraindications

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

Warning:lemon balm is contraindicated in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

According to a study, it is important to respect the dosages indicated when taking lemon balm. (Source 8)

Indeed, researchers have found that after prolonged use, withdrawal symptoms may appear.

So what does this mean for a lemon balm lover like me?

Specifically, it is recommended to alternate its use with other soothing herbal teas.

Fortunately, there are several other plants that are very effective in promoting sleep and fighting stress.

For example, chamomile, sage, valerian, passionflower…

To discover: 10 Effective Plants To Help You Sleep (WITHOUT Sleeping Pills).

Uses of lemon balm in the garden

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

Here are several reasons to grow lemon balm in your garden:

- It attracts bees and other pollinators (flies, butterflies, beetles, etc.).

And who says more pollinators, says better harvests...

And so, even more good fruits and vegetables for you!

Moreover, its botanical name, Melissa officinalis , comes from the Greek and means "bee leaf" or "bee grass" .

These days, pollinators need all the help they can get.

That's why planting lemon balm in your garden is a good thing for the planet.

- It helps keep insects away , although personally I don't find it extremely effective.

Let me explain:yes, planting lemon balm in your garden and around your house helps keep mosquitoes away.

However, during mosquito season, it's a different story.

I don't think she alone can fend off ALL those filthy critters.

The proof, I've already been bitten when I was just picking lemon balm! Grrr…

Basically, if mosquitoes have enough time to breed, they will quickly proliferate and invade your garden.

If so, you will need to use stronger remedies to get rid of it.

For example, here is a homemade recipe for a powerful 100% natural repellent to keep mosquitoes from bothering you.

To fight mosquitoes in the garden, here are 11 plants that will keep mosquitoes away from your home

And above all, if you can, get rid of the water points that attract mosquitoes.

- Put a few sprigs of lemon balm in a flower arrangement when eating out.

This should deter insects from snagging on the encrust when you enjoy the terrace.

- Many use lemon balm for its insect repellent properties by crumpling its leaves and rubbing them on their skin.

Moreover, it is also famous for relieving the itching of bites of insects.

So, if it doesn't do the job of keeping mosquitoes away, it can at least relieve your bites!

To discover: 19 Insect Repellent Plants That Naturally Protect Your Home &Garden.

The uses of lemon balm in the kitchen and at home

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

- In cooking, lemon balm brings a sweet and slightly lemony flavor .

Its leaves can be eaten fresh, as a seasoning for fruit desserts, sorbets, entremets and in exotic dishes.

To preserve all their flavor, it is better to add them at the end of cooking. (See my favorite recipes further down the article.)

- It perfumes the house .

Just add a few sprigs of lemon balm to a flower bouquet, or dried leaves to a potpourri.

You can even put some in your trash can to fight against bad smells.

- It flavors white vinegar .

It's my favorite way to enjoy its delicate lemon scent AND its antiviral properties!

Besides, it's easy as pie!

All you have to do is macerate a few lemon balm leaves in white vinegar.

Afterwards, I use this fragrant vinegar in my recipes for homemade cleansers.

There you go:everything smells super good of lemon balm :)

To discover: White Vinegar:1 Single Product For 17 Magical Uses.

Where to find lemon balm (and how to grow it) ?

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

Grow lemon balm? There is really nothing complicated.

Best of all, it's the cheapest way to add this delicious aromatic herb to your herbal arsenal.

Maybe you've never done gardening?

You know what ? It's MUCH easier than you think (and it's relaxing!).

Take a look at my gardening tips for beginners.

Personally, I prefer the taste of freshly picked lemon balm.

But I assure you:the dried leaves also retain a very tasty taste.

Lemon balm is a perennial plant, that is, it lives for several years.

It is one of the ideal plants to grow in a permaculture vegetable garden.

Its small leaves (6 to 7 cm) are oval, light green and toothed.

As it grows, it forms beautiful suckering tufts, reminiscent of mint.

Which is not surprising, since the two plants are from the same family.

On the other hand, lemon balm is much less invasive than mint.

Indeed, it will not invade your entire garden, as mint can do.

Instead, new plants may appear here and there around your garden.

That's because lemon balm spreads by spreading seeds, rather than underground like its cousin, mint.

To control its expansion, just grow it in a pot.

Alternatively, you can swap plants and give the new plants to another gardener.

Another way to control it is to prune it after it blooms.

As for me, I'm always happy to see it expand!

And usually, I let the new plants grow and take over my garden.


Because that means I could drink even more delicious lemon balm tea!

A pack of lemon balm seeds doesn't cost much.

For example, you can buy a bag of 800 seeds for only €3.65.

On the other hand, if you are new to gardening, know this:

It takes some skill to grow it from seed.

Indeed, it is not always easy to successfully sow lemon balm.

Seed germination can take up to 40 days!

Another thing:a bag of seeds contains many more seeds than you will use.

So plan to share the rest with other gardening friends.

The easiest way to get your hands on your first lemon balm plant ?

It is to wait for another gardener to divide a clump that is too abundant.

And of course, you can always buy a lemon balm plant at a garden center.

For example, for € 4.90 you can find a lemon balm plant in a 7 cm bucket.

And in no time, you'll end up having as many as you want!

Indeed, it is a perennial plant quite resistant to cold.

Which means that once it's established, you'll enjoy it for years to come.

Even if you live in a cold area, it's worth trying to plant some in your garden.

On the other hand, those who live in warmer climates may have a harder time growing it.

For more tips on how to grow lemon balm, click here.

But the best thing is to talk about it in person with a specialist, in a planter near you.

With its beautiful tufts of bright green leaves and its delicate fragrance...

There's no denying it:lemon balm is a great plant to add to any garden.

By the way… maybe you are looking for an alternative to grass for your garden?

So know that because it spreads easily, lemon balm is a good base for creating a maintenance-free garden.

For more information on why to consider turf alternatives, click here.

Another advantage of lemon balm:it also grows in the shade .

This is good news if your garden has little sun exposure, like mine.

By the way, here is a list of more than 40 fruits &vegetables that grow easily in the shade.

How to make lemon balm tea with soothing properties

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

Not only is lemon balm tea delicious, but it is also very easy to prepare .

And above all, it brings a pleasant effect of relaxation at the end of the day.

This is what helps to improve the quality of sleep.

To make this infusion, you have two choices:

- use fresh lemon balm or

- use dried leaves of lemon balm (which slightly changes the taste).

How to make herbal tea with FRESH lemon balm

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

Here is my method for making herbal tea with fresh lemon balm.

During the warm months of the year, every 2 days I pick a large bunch of lemon balm.

I also pick a few leaves of lemon catnip and yarrow.

And sometimes I also add a tiny bit of borage or wild violet.

I put all these leaves in a coffee bowl, and press it down until I get a big handful .

And I know I have the right amount to make a teapot.

It's as simple as that!

Between you and me, for an herbal tea to be effective, you don't really need to measure milligram amounts!

Afterwards, I rinse all the leaves of lemon balm and other plants.

And I infuse everything for several hours (sometimes overnight) in boiled water.

For the water in your infusions and herbal teas, I recommend that you only use filtered water.

Indeed, it is better to filter tap water.

(Unless you want a whole bunch of chemical stuff going around in your herbal tea…)

To brew the lemon balm, I use a large teapot like this.

Why a large teapot?

It allows me to prepare several cups of my herbal tea at once.

And it saves me having to make it every night.

You don't have a teapot at home?

Then you can simply use a large glass jar, as in the photo above.

In a teapot or jar, you can keep your herbal tea in the fridge.

Do you have a lot of lemon balm?

So let it dry in the oven. That way, you'll have a whole stock of them for the winter.

To dry aromatic herbs and medicinal plants, it works even better with a dehydrator, like this one.

Know that you can also make your own mother tincture of lemon balm.

The advantage of a mother tincture is that it helps to better preserve the properties of medicinal plants.

I recommend this tutorial from Althea Provence, which shows you how to make your own mother tincture.

Good to know:

In summer, you can also drink your herbal tea like iced tea, with a little water and ice cubes.

And lemon balm flowers are also among the flowers you can eat!

Why not try adding one of these flowers to your next meal?

How to make herbal tea with DRIED lemon balm

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

Maybe you don't have the space, time or inclination to grow fresh lemon balm?

If so, the cheapest way to get your "fix" is to buy bulk dried lemon balm .

On the internet you will find an amazing range of organic herbs and spices in bulk.

And at very reasonable prices!

For example, here is a site that sells 1 kg of quality lemon balm for only €17.50.

That's pretty decent for such a quantity, don't you think?

With just one 1kg bag of lemon balm, I can make several dozen large teapots.

Another advantage of buying in bulk:you reduce your unnecessary packaging waste.

Yes, with bulk:no tea or herbal tea bags.

And that's what we want:zero waste!

With 2 kg of dried lemon balm, I can easily last a whole year.

I too have to buy some, because the growing season is very short here.

To make lemon balm tea with dried leaves, use this dosage:

For 25 cl of water, put 1 tablespoon of dried leaves.

Sometimes I also add a spoonful of one of these other herbal teas, known for their soothing properties:

- nettle herbal tea,

- oat straw tea or

- skullcap tea.

I also recommend these herbal teas with powerful health benefits, to drink according to the symptoms you have.

Buying in bulk is too complicated for you?

So, if you prefer your herbal tea in sachets, I recommend this one, which is delicious.

Of course, it will cost you a little more in paper and packaging...

But even with lemon balm tea in a sachet, you'll sleep like a baby!

How much herbal tea should you drink?

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

Drink 1 to 2 cups of lemon balm tea, about 1 hour before going to bed.

This is the recommended dose to take advantage of its relaxing properties and promote sleep.

Again, this is not an exact science!

Try it with 1 cup first to see if it works for you.

But beware of excess:no more than 2 cups a day.

I only drink it in the evening, to be sure to sleep well and avoid insomnia.

What will happen if you drink it during the day?

I can reassure you right away:you won't fall asleep and you won't be passed out.

In my experience, lemon balm is less potent than valerian.

Some people drink it during the day to reduce their stress levels.

And don't forget:

Growing your own aromatic herbs is also an effective way to eat healthy food on the cheap!

If you're interested, here are some other tips for eating good healthy foods without blowing your budget.

Bonus:even more interesting uses of lemon balm

15 Benefits and Uses of Lemon Balm, a MAGIC Medicinal Plant.

- Thanks to its antiviral properties, you can use lemon balm as a soothing lip balm against cold sores.

- You can also make an insect repellent with lemon balm. My favorite recipe is here.

- In cooking, lemon balm leaves are ideal for seasoning. Use them in your fruit salads and smoothies, or with poultry and fish dishes.

Basically, anywhere you want to add a hint of lemon, try adding a handful of chopped lemon balm.

- I highly recommend the recipe for coconut chicken sautéed with lemon balm . Yum ! My favorite recipe is here.

- Lemon balm is also excellent in the form of pesto. Perfect to accompany pasta, poultry or fish. A true delight ! The easy recipe is here.

- If you like marmalade, then you will love lime and lemon balm marmalade . The recipe is here.

- Do you have an ice cream maker? Try the melon and lemon balm sorbet . My favorite recipe is here.

Your turn…

And you, what are your favorite uses for lemon balm? Do you grow it in your garden? If you know of any other benefits, share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!