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Medicinal Plant Medicinal Herb Sage

In this article you will find all information about the medicinal plant medicinal herb sage. From cultivation, active ingredients to recipes for use in various ailments. Sage is a medicinal herb that offers a solution for many ailments.

Sage:description of the plant

Sage is a 20 – 60 cm high semi-shrub, woody below, with square, felt-like hairy stems above. Leaves elliptical to oblong or ovate, densely felt-like hairs, greenish-grey, 3-10 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide, set opposite. Flowers are light blue to blue-violet, 2-3 cm long, with a relatively short upper lip, standing in thin whorls of 2-6 flowers. The flowering time is June-July.

Sage (Salvia officinalis L.):cultivation, propagation, collection

Sage is a member of the Lipbloemigen family. The plant occurs in the wild in southern Europe on limestone slopes, in the Netherlands sage can only be found grown (as a garden plant). Cultivation should preferably take place on calcareous soil. Sow the well-germinating seeds in breeding beds and set them out at a distance of approximately 30 x 30 cm.

Harvest the leaves at the beginning of the flowering period (June/July) and possibly a second time in September/October. Dry in the shade, not above 35°C. It is best to collect the leaves of the herb before the flowers open completely. These must be dried quickly at a temperature of no more than 40°C.

Sage:active substances and effect

The active substances in sage are:essential oils. Tannic acids, bitter substances and flavoproteins. These are the active ingredients that act as astringent and disinfectant. Don't have access to fresh sage? Then you could also look at an alternative, for example in the form of essential oil.

Sage:medicinal herb for many ailments

Inflammations of the gums, pressure points of dentures or inflammations of the oral mucosa often heal very quickly when treated with sage tea. You can also drink sage tea for stomach and intestinal complaints that are accompanied by diarrhea. However, the effect of this is somewhat controversial and not fully proven. If you suffer from excessive sweat secretion, you can drink sage tea.

Sage:recipe to make medicinal sage tea

As already indicated, sage tea can be used in a number of cases. Below are two different recipes for making sage into tea.

To gargle and inhale
An excellent and effective remedy for colds, coughs and strep throat.
20 g Sage leaves
20 g Chamomile flowers
10 g Thyme

For gargling, use 2 teaspoons of the above mixed herbs with a quarter liter of boiling water. This will let you steep for 10 minutes. To inhale, put 1 tablespoon of these herbs in a bowl and pour boiling water over it. Let it cool for a while and then place a cloth over the bowl and head and inhale for 5 minutes.

Against excessive sweating Sage is an excellent natural remedy for excessive sweating. Hops and melissa are added to this mixture to support the sage used.
30 g sage leaves
30 g Sint-janswort
20 g of hop flowers (hop lots) 30 g melisse leaves

Make a mixture of the above herbs. Take 2 to 3 teaspoons of this mixture and pour a quarter liter of boiling water over it and let it steep for 10 minutes. After draining, you can drink the tea lukewarm. The correct dose for this mixture is 2-3 cups per day.

Medicinal plant medicinal herb Sage recipes

Sage is used as a wound wine. To do this, take 100g of sage leaf and let it boil for a minute in half a liter of good white wine. Then filter after half an hour. With this wine you can wash out wounds, so that the wound heals faster.

Expectorante honey:grind dry sage leaves into a powder and mix 50 g of this powder with 80 g of honey. Take a small spoonful of this honey in the morning and in the evening. Please note:honey is NOT suitable for children under the age of 1 year.

Nervous depression
Infusion:It is recommended to drink an infusion before going to sleep. You make this from a fingertip of chamomile flowers and a fingertip of sage leaf with a cup of boiling water. You can sweeten the infusion with honey if you wish.

Sage wine:Boil 100 g of sage leaf for two minutes in a liter of very good white wine. Then filter after half an hour. Dose:one glass after a meal. Limited shelf life!

Fatigue Bath tonic:Boil 30 g sage leaf, 25 g rosemary leaf, 25 g lavender flowers, 20 g mint leaf and 50 g thyme in 5 liters of water for a few minutes. Let cool and strain the lukewarm mixture, squeezing out the plant parts. Add the liquid to the bath water. Doing this in your bath at night will calm your nerves and give you new strength.

Liver, kidneys (stones)
Pre-warning :only do this in consultation with your doctor! Untreated liver problems or kidney stones can cause major health problems.
Use 20 g of sage leaf in 1 liter of boiling water. After fifteen minutes seven. This amount is drunk in small glasses spread over the day, 10 days in a row.

Sage for complaints in and around the mouth

Sage is widely used for healing ailments in the mouth. Not surprising when you look at the shape of the leaf, which resembles a tongue.

Bad breath
Do you suffer from bad breath? Then you can try the following:take a sage leaf and chew it slowly, then you can swallow it piece by piece. In this way sage purifies the breath.

Stubborn cough
Mixture:40 g fresh sage leaf, 20 g chamomile flowers and 100 g honey Boil for 15 minutes in a liter of water. Drink three cups a day.

Do you have other recipes or additions for the use of the medicinal plant medicinal herb sage? Let me know in a comment below my article.