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Essential Oil of Rosewood:Its Benefits and Uses to Know.

Essential Oil of Rosewood:Its Benefits and Uses to Know.

The name of this essence irremediably evokes the rose.

It is reminiscent of its delicate and fragile appearance and its sweet fragrance.

But truth be told, the scent of rosewood essential oil is more powerful than that of the rose.

It is woody, sweet and intense at the same time.

Beneath its charms lies a particularly effective essential oil.

Antiviral, anti-infectious, antiseptic…

Rosewood essential oil is a formidable weapon against germs and bacteria. Watch:

Essential Oil of Rosewood:Its Benefits and Uses to Know.

His origin

Contrary to what one might think, rosewood has nothing to do with roses.

If it bears this poetic name (Aniba rosaeodora in Latin), it is because its fragrance and the beautiful color of the bark of its wood are reminiscent of the rose.

Rosewood grows in tropical latitudes, in the Amazon rainforest:it is a small tree of the Lauraceae family, with evergreen foliage and beautiful yellow flowers.

Its flowers and wood bark are distilled to obtain the essential oil.

Its benefits

Essential Oil of Rosewood:Its Benefits and Uses to Know.

Rosewood essential oil is the beauty oil par excellence because it is very well tolerated by the skin.

It is particularly well suited for skin and hair care.

But it also has a positive effect on health. It helps to fight against fatigue, stress, insomnia and depression.

As it has antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it is very useful for boosting immunity or treating vaginal infections.

Even if it is less famous than the essential oil of ylang-ylang, it is also an aphrodisiac.

How to use it

Essential Oil of Rosewood:Its Benefits and Uses to Know.

It can be used pure or diluted.

In dilution, it blends well with vegetable oils (such as sweet almond oil, apricot oil) and delicately perfumes them.

You can pour a few drops in your bath to fight against insomnia, before going to bed.

Combined with a vegetable oil, it is perfect for a relaxing massage. It is also used as a diffuser against depression and nervous tension.

Grandmother's recipes to know

Essential Oil of Rosewood:Its Benefits and Uses to Know.

1. To have beautiful skin

Rosewood essential oil has an advantage:it adapts to all skin types, but it is particularly recommended for dry and sensitive skin.

To have radiant skin quickly, this express treatment is perfect:take a small amount of your usual day cream. Add 2 drops of rosewood essential oils. Mix. Apply to your face.

2. To reduce scars

Rosewood essential oil has healing properties.

Also, if you have scars from acne pimples on your face or scars due to stretch marks, consider this trick to reduce them.

Pour 50 ml of borage oil, evening primrose oil or jojoba oil into a small bowl. Add 5 drops of rosewood essential oil.

Massage your scars twice a day until the oil penetrates. Continue until scars diminish.

Good to know

Rosewood was particularly used from the 17th to the 18th century to make chests of drawers in marquetry of wood. This is no longer the case today.

But maybe you have one in your family? In this case, keep it preciously, because it is probably worth a small fortune at an antique dealer!

Unfortunately, the exploitation of rosewood in the cabinetmaking and perfumery sectors has been abused. This explains why rosewood is now a protected species.

Today, we tend to favor the distillation of flowers with wood water rather than steam because this method is less expensive.

More and more often, the essential oil of Ho wood, with similar virtues, replaces the essential oil of rosewood.