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Take the Challenge:30 Days to Have Abs and Beautiful Butts.

Take the Challenge:30 Days to Have Abs and Beautiful Butts.

Want to have beautiful buttocks and abs? Want to get abs fast?

How about getting there in just 30 days?

Well, it is possible and easy with this sheathing program.

Don't worry, everyone can do it .

The advantage of this method is that it goes gently with the best abs exercises . Watch:

Take the Challenge:30 Days to Have Abs and Beautiful Butts.

  • How do I do these moves?
  • The squat:
  • Abs:
  • The board:
  • The slot:
  • The 30-day program in detail
  • Result

How to do these moves?

The squat:


The page:

The slot:

The 30-day program in detail

Day 1 :10 squats, 10 sit-ups

Day 2 :10 lunges, 30 seconds plank

Day 3 :10 squats, 15 sit-ups

Day 4 :10 lunges, 35 seconds plank

Day 5 :REST

Day 6 :15 squats, 15 sit-ups

Day 7 :15 squats, 40 seconds plank

Day 8 :20 squats, 20 sit-ups

Day 9 :15 lunges, 45 seconds plank

Day 10 :20 squats, 20 sit-ups

Day 11 :REST

Day 12 :20 lunges, 50 seconds plank

Day 13 :25 squats, 30 sit-ups

Day 14 :20 lunges, 55 seconds plank

Day 15 :30 squats, 30 sit-ups

Day 16 :25 lunges, 60 seconds plank

Day 17 :REST

Day 18 :30 squats, 35 sit-ups

Day 19 :25 lunges, 65 seconds plank

Day 20 :35 squats, 35 sit-ups

Day 21 :30 lunges, 70 seconds plank

Day 22 :40 squats, 40 sit-ups

Day 23 :30 lunges, 75 seconds plank

Day 24 :REST

Day 25 :40 squats, 40 lunges

Day 26 :35 lunges, 80 seconds plank

Day 27 :45 squats, 45 lunges

Day 28 :35 lunges, 80 seconds plank

Day 29 :50 squats, 50 lunges

Day 30 :40 lunges + 90 seconds plank


And There you go ! With this very gentle program, you have muscled your buttocks and your abs :-)

You see that this abdominal and buttocks thigh challenge was not that complicated?

This fitness program to strengthen the abs and glutes is great.

Because it alternates exercises to strengthen different parts of the body .

And even if you have aches, the next day you do other exercises to strengthen another part of the body.

And this program to build abdominal muscles in 30 days is suitable for both men and women.

This challenge is an excellent sports program to have a flat stomach.

After a month, the abs appear! So ready for this challenge?