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16 Things You Should Say Goodbye To In 2022.

16 Things You Should Say Goodbye To In 2022.

We are all in pursuit of happiness.

But sometimes it's hard to find...

And very often, what keeps us from finding it is ourselves .

Every year, we try to do tons of things hoping that it will make us happy.

But in fact, wouldn't happiness be found in the fact of doing fewer things?

So, without further ado, here are the 16 things you should say goodbye to in 2022 to be happy :

16 Things You Should Say Goodbye To In 2022.


Say goodbye to that little voice in your head telling you that you're not worth much, and that you'll never do anything with your life.

Why ? Quite simply because this little voice often has the habit of lying to you! And that, you should start to know from time.


Say goodbye to this need to be recognized by others to exist. Yes of course, sometimes we all need someone to tell us that what we are doing is right.

But that doesn't mean you have to be on a lifelong quest to seek others' approval to get ahead in life.

As long as you realize how much you've done to get where you are, you don't need anyone to approve of what you're doing today.


Say goodbye to all the things from the past that you're not super proud of.

Forget them and remember that everyone makes mistakes:life is just a long learning curve.


Say goodbye to promises you failed to keep. Remember that often it's all about being there in the right place at the right time.

Unfortunately, sometimes this is not possible despite your best efforts to achieve it.

Remember that it takes time for good things to happen in life. We don't succeed overnight. Be patient.


Say goodbye to the negative things of the year that is coming to an end, including the things that made you doubt yourself.

Admittedly, the year may not turn out exactly as you imagined... It may not be the happy ending you dreamed of.

But who knows, this new year might just be a happy new beginning that you didn't see coming.


Say goodbye to all those times you were in tears and all those times you felt hopeless.

Instead, think about all the obstacles you managed to overcome during this year.

Believe me, sooner or later you will cross that finish line.


Say goodbye to people who don't want to spend time with you and don't like you.

It may be a sign that these people, for one reason or another, are not meant to be in your life.

Instead, save your energy for the people who appreciate you and who really bring you something in life.


Say goodbye to that memory, good or bad, that you keep rehashing in your head.

You know, that kind of memory that keeps you up at night and constantly makes you analyze the past to find out what the future will be like.

You have seen and seen enough of this memory! It's time for you to let go, and live in the moment to enjoy new experiences.


Say goodbye to the addiction you have for your smartphone, your computer or Facebook.

Instead, try going green more often.

Smartphone, Facebook or computer… remember that all the forms of excess are harmful to your mental health and that these addictions will sooner or later end up suffocating you.


Say goodbye to the goals you set for yourself this year and failed to achieve.

Yes there are surely things you should have done or avoided doing. But all of that is behind you now.

Remember, sometimes life is complicated, unpredictable, even chaotic.

And the last thing you need is to carry such a burden to move forward.


Say goodbye to all those hurtful words you may have heard. The ones that hurt you and lowered your self-esteem.

Remember that these people don't know much about your life, your story, let alone why you are the person you are today.

You should know that some people feel the need to make fun of others, just to show off.

So while you're at it, why not take the opportunity to say goodbye to this type of person?


Say goodbye to times when you lacked maturity, when you made an inappropriate remark, or when you lacked common sense.

Remember that these moments are there to remind you of something important:person isn't perfect.

Yes, we have all more or less serious faults and mistakes are part of life. So be humble and move on as soon as possible.


Say goodbye to the people you missed...but didn't miss you.

Don't worry, in time you won't miss these people.

And that's when you'll realize that the people who really matter to you are the ones who have never forgotten you.


Say goodbye to the trips you couldn't take, the wedding you missed, or all those appointments and events you couldn't attend.

Remember that it is impossible to plan everything perfectly. In life, everything is far from going as planned...

So no need to feel guilty, it's not your fault. Take it more as a life lesson that reminds you that despite all the efforts in the world, you can never control everything!


Say goodbye to all those flaws that you keep pointing out in front of the mirror.

Also say goodbye to all those moments when you didn't like the image that the mirror sent back to you.

Buy yourself a new mirror if you have to, but more seriously, start loving what you see in it today and above all change the way you look at yourself.


Finally, say goodbye to the idea that this year will not be better and that nothing will change for you.

Instead, say hello to all the possibilities and opportunities coming your way this New Year.

These dreams only ask for one thing:to turn into reality !

And if you're looking for tips on how to be happy in 2022, this book might just help you.