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30 things you should try to quit before the new year.

30 things you should try to quit before the new year.

Sometimes you have to know how to let go of things in the life, for the simple reason that they are too heavy to bear.

So let go... LET GO. Relieve yourself of the weight of those things that hold you back in life.

“Yesterday afternoon, my twin sister called me from her hospital room. She had been in a coma for a year.

“Having him by my side again over the holidays and New Years is an amazing feeling.

“We even spent an entire night together, talking and laughing. Of course, her physical health is still fragile, but as incredible as it may seem, she is in her right mind. »

30 things you should try to quit before the new year.

What you have just read is the first paragraph of an email I received this morning from Julie, one of our readers. It caught my attention for obvious reasons.

Here is the rest of his email:

“But you want to know the craziest thing in this whole story? A month before the accident that put my sister in a coma, we had a pointless argument and we didn't speak for a whole month.

"To tell you how absurd our fight was, neither she nor I can remember why we had a fight!

"Actually, we were just stubborn, and we were both clinging to false truths.

"I'm so grateful that we were able to put this fight behind us and get a second chance to love each other. »

Wow! What a perfect story to remind us of the importance of letting go and stopping some of our negative behaviors!

This is also the ideal time to talk about it. Indeed, a new year will soon begin. And for many people, it's the perfect time to make good resolutions for the coming New Year.

So I think it's the perfect time to try to eliminate some things that affect our daily lives. Don't you?

That's why today I want to challenge you:

Before the New Year...

1. Try not to get carried away with anger anymore. Anger is a passing emotion. So don't make absurd decisions when you're angry, because they could have irreparable consequences.

2. Try to put aside small grudges. Life is short, far too short to spend your time nurturing bitter feelings and counting injustices. If someone close to you deserves a second chance, give it to them. If you owe someone an apology, do so. Why not give a happy ending to all his stories?

3. Try to stop thinking that the people around you are happier than you. Are you one of those people who think the grass is always greener elsewhere? So, stop looking at the neighbor's grass! Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop complaining about yourself, and try watering the grass under your feet instead.

4. Try to challenge your received ideas. Take the time to analyze your thoughts and ask yourself if they are really right. Sometimes you will find that we tend to modify and transform things so that they are in accordance with our perception of reality. But just because you think something is true doesn't mean it has to be. Just because you want something doesn't mean it has to exist.

Therefore, watch your thoughts closely. Be wise. When your thoughts are not rooted in truth, it can be harmful to you. This attitude can even lead you to lock yourself into a behavior where you seek approval for things that don't exist.

5. Try to put aside your outdated ideals. Growing up can be painful, because any change is painful. But at the end of the day, there's nothing more painful than being stuck in a situation that isn't right for you.

6. Try not to cling to the tragedies of the past anymore. You are not what you have been through. You are the person you choose to be today. Stop carrying the burden of your past unnecessarily, take a deep breath and start fresh. And you'll know exactly when you're on the right track, because you'll lose interest in the past and be eager to move forward.

7. Try to cope with the problems . Why ? Because you can never change the things you don't want to face.

8. Try to let go of life's little hassles. Don't let life's little hassles take over your happiness. Frustration and stress mainly come from the way you choose to react to certain situations and not from the way things are. Know how to adapt your behavior to situations so that frustration and stress disappear.

9. Try not to believe that others are more "normal" than you . The only normal people are actually the ones we don't know well enough. Point bar.

10. Try not to be distant and unapproachable anymore. We all need to learn to be more human. Look others in the eye. Don't hide behind a smartphone. Smile often. Ask others to tell you about their lives. And listen carefully.

30 things you should try to quit before the new year.

11. Try to stop thinking that you are better than others. Even if you've worked hard to get where you are, there's no such thing as an autodidact who succeeded on his own. At some point or another, someone has believed in you, encouraged you and helped you. Be grateful to that person, and try to replicate that act of trust in someone else.

In the long run, putting others down doesn't make you stronger. Therefore, do not be lazy and be interested in others. Ask them questions about their life, their history. Then listen to them. Be modest. Stay open to learn new things. Be human and be a good neighbor.

12. Try not to believe that you are what you own. You are an incredible human being, a human being completely separate from the physical objects that you possess. Even though you may have purchased many possessions in life, never forget to stay humble. Ultimately, there are only two things that define you as a person:your ability to be patient when you don't have much and your behavior when you have more than enough.

13. Try not to want things you don't really need. Instead of thinking about the price of things, think about their real value instead. Remember that it is much easier to be financially well off when you need less than to always try to earn more money.

14. Try not to depend on others to find happiness. In life, you have to create your own happiness. True happiness comes from within. Therefore, read something positive every morning, and do something positive before you go to bed. Focus on all the positive opportunities in life:that's the only way you'll experience happiness. Be happy and you will do great things.

15. Try to stop wanting a reward for every good deed you do. Stop worrying about what you might get out of this or that situation. As long as you do something positive for someone else, there will always be something positive for you. You were born with a tremendous gift:the power to change the lives of others. Do not waste this power. Be good to others. Be there for others. And you will see that you are the first to feel better.

16. Try to stop the little lies and appearance games. Want to know how you become someone you can trust? It's really not rocket science:be honest. Honor your commitments. Keep your promises. Apologize when you make mistakes. Be the kind of person you want to meet and spend time with. Be the kind of person where action, words and values ​​never contradict each other.

17. Try to give up hypocrisy. For example, don't pray when it's raining if you don't pray when it's sunny.

18. Try to avoid putting the needs of others ahead of your own. Yes, give your all every day, but don't let others take advantage of your kindness. Likewise, listen carefully to what others have to say, but never forget to express your own opinion.

19. Try to listen more to your intuition. Fear kills dreams, much more than failures. Instead of letting fear paralyze you, use it as a cue to wake up. Every day, do something that scares you. The more you trust your intuition without being afraid, the more your intuition will serve you. So the next time your intuition tells you something, listen carefully.

20. Try not to wait for the perfect moment. Remember:the best is the enemy of the good. You don't need a perfect plan to be successful. Sometimes you just have to go for it, let go and see what happens. Just try to do your best, until you know more. And once you know more, try to do even better than before.

30 things you should try to quit before the new year.

21. Try not to want to do everything right away. The most important thing is to move forward. A true life goal has no deadline. A real goal has no deadline. Stop stressing and overworking yourself. Just try to do what you can do today. That will be enough already.

22. Try to be less Manichean about your perception of success. Between succeeding something and failing, there is a gray area that you also have to know how to appreciate just as much. Not everything is necessarily white or black. Also know how to appreciate the gray between the two extremes. Gray is the journey, the process, the path we take. And it's also all about what you learn and how you help others learn.

It is this marvelous process of personal development in which you participate conscientiously. The most important thing is never to let success get to your head and never take life's failures too seriously.

23. Try to stop self-flagellating. When you denigrate yourself and when you lament your fate, it inspires no one. Do you want to move forward and inspire others? So be a happy person. Have fun. Do you like to. Forgive yourself. Do you accept. Be resolutely yourself, without any shame.

24. Try to ignore people who say you're not attractive enough. Today, more women suffer from anorexia and bulimia than women who have breast cancer. The data for men are similar. Love yourself as you are, because you are perfect as you are.

25. Try to stop wanting to change just to please others. The only real change is trying to become a better person. It is the change that will lead you to a better future. If you change, change for your own good, not to please others.

26. Try not to want to please everyone anymore. Realize that you can't please everyone. There are people who will never be liked, that's how it is. When these people talk badly about you, try not to take it to heart. Why ? Because in fact what they think and say about others is a mirror of who they are, not who you are.

27. Try not to be influenced by negative people around you anymore. How do you want to live happily if you surround yourself with negativity? Hang out with people who bring out the best in you, not people who bring out stress.

28. Try not to see moving on as a failure anymore. When something isn't working (including a romantic relationship), it's important to put an end to it and know how to move on. And that doesn't mean you'll have failed!

29. Try to stop thinking it's too late to start over and succeed this time. Remember:it's better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than to be at the top of the ladder you don't want to climb.

30. Try not to procrastinate. Stop procrastinating. Stop wishing for things to happen and get to work. Today is the time to put in the work to get where you really want to be tomorrow.


Sometimes the hardest part isn't necessarily letting go of certain things in life, but learning to start over. This is a challenge we all face.

If it's hard for you to quit any of these 30 things we just talked about, know that the path to a fresh start is clearly within your reach. Your daily habits are simply "broken", and you need to fix them.

On the other hand, if you persist in trusting these bad habits, it is only a matter of time before you too are "HS".

Fortunately, you have the power to change things. You can take these small adjustments into account today. These improvements will help you be happier, think more clearly, and work more efficiently. You will see, trust me.

Over to you!

Here is ! Now you know the 30 things you should quit before New Years :-)

And you ? Do you know of any other things or thoughts that should be given up? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!