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Insect Bite Who Itches? The EXPRESS Remedy To Stop Itching!

Insect Bite Who Itches? The EXPRESS Remedy To Stop Itching!

A bug bit you? Not sure what kind of critters have bitten you?

But what you know is that it itches, it stings, it itches! So what to do?

Fortunately, there is a quick remedy to stop the itching of an insect bite such as a spider, mosquito or horsefly.

The express treatment is to apply 1 drop of lavender and tea tree essential oil . Watch:

Insect Bite Who Itches? The EXPRESS Remedy To Stop Itching!


- 1 drop of lavender essential oil.

- 1 drop of tea tree essential oil.

How to

1. Pour a drop of lavender essential oil into the palm of your hand.

2. Add a drop of tea tree essential oil.

3. Mix with your fingertips.

4. Carefully massage the bite with the mixture.


Lo and behold, this natural remedy relieved the insect bite in no time :-)

You can continue this treatment until the itching and pain are completely subsided.