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Insect Bites:How to Stop Itching With White Vinegar.

Insect Bites:How to Stop Itching With White Vinegar.

Did you get bitten by a bug?

And you don't know what to do to calm the itching?

No need to run to the pharmacy to buy a soothing ointment!

Fortunately, there is a natural and super effective remedy to stop the itching of an insect bite.

The magic trick is to rub it with a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar . Watch:

Insect Bites:How to Stop Itching With White Vinegar.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result

What you need

- white vinegar

- water

How to

1. Take a cotton ball.

2. Soak it in white vinegar.

3. Dab the stung area with the cotton.

4. Repeat as soon as the itch comes back.


And There you go ! You have stopped the itching caused by the insect bite in its tracks :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

The faster you intervene, the more effective the trick!

White vinegar has a soothing virtue that acts quickly on the "itchy" sensation.

You can dilute the vinegar with water, especially to apply to the skin of a young child.

This natural trick works for all types of bites:mosquitoes, wasps, spiders, chiggers, bed bugs, jellyfish, sea anemones and even nettles!