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Kisses:The Essential Remedy Against Stress.

Kisses:The Essential Remedy Against Stress.

I don't know anyone who doesn't like kisses.

Those of a loving mother, those of a passionate wife, those of her child when he says "I love you"...

But I didn't know that kisses could be a natural remedy to reduce stress. Explanations:

Kisses:The Essential Remedy Against Stress.

A very serious study

I read a very interesting article in the Express a few days ago. They talk about a Tiffany Field study. It was she who highlighted the health benefits of kisses. She is a psychologist, founder of the Touch Research Institute in Miami, and author of Benefits of Touch.

To carry out her study, Tiffany Field was inspired by the greatest philamatologists (specialists in kissing). What she discovered is that kisses are great for psychological and physical health. Both for children and adults.

Besides, the statistics are quite flattering for us, the French. We are the kissing champions. French mothers tend to kiss their babies more than Anglo-Saxon mothers, for example.

French women, in general, attach more importance to the kiss in social relations than others. Similarly, French couples kiss more.

For children

Kisses are essential for children. These little attentions represent and materialize the love of parents. A child who never gets a kiss feels like he is unloved, and that worries him.

For babies, kisses stimulate suckling and can make it easier to socialize. He will be more inclined to use language quickly and try to communicate. This is part of the child's well-being.

For adults

Many adults seem solid as iron. They do not show their emotions despite the stress they accumulate. But we also need kisses.

Kisses promote general well-being. They stimulate self-confidence, an essential quality in our world.

When I am kissed (yes it happens sometimes!), I feel loved. And if I am loved, I find it easier to love the other people I meet. Self-confidence is essential precisely because it limits stress.

In addition, physical proximity promotes social relationships. Even the everyday breeze brings people together and creates a good rapport, also limiting daily stress.

After a good kiss, we feel good, and it also makes us forget our little worries. It's relaxing and always enjoyable.

On the medical level, the kiss also has its effect. It strengthens the immune defences, reduces allergies, lowers cholesterol and increases the rate of red blood cells.

So, to conclude, if you have a person close to you, immediately give them a kiss from me :-)