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The Magic Trick To Quickly Calm A Mosquito Bite.

The Magic Trick To Quickly Calm A Mosquito Bite.

They are tiny but fearsome:mosquitoes.

And they still took you as a prime target. There are skins that particularly attract them, especially in the evening...

Now those mosquito bites are itching terribly!

An old-fashioned remedy will soothe your itchy mosquito bites.

A simple banana peel will soothe your itching and give you quick relief.

The Magic Trick To Quickly Calm A Mosquito Bite.

  • How to
  • Result

How to

1. Get yourself a banana.

2. Peel it completely.

3. Rub the inside of the banana peel over your pimple.

4. Continue for a few seconds.


There you go, no more itching from your mosquito bite :-)

The banana peel relieved your itching. It's much nicer that way!

No more scratching. Very handy for soothing children's mosquito bites, isn't it?