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47 Simple and Effective Tips to Fight Anxiety.

47 Simple and Effective Tips to Fight Anxiety.

As an anxious person I have always been, I know it can be painful to drown in his anguish.

And even more to be told by someone who has no idea what anxiety feels like to just get out there, sunbathe, exercise, and "get over it"!

If it were that simple, do you think people would still suffer from anxiety?

That said, we can relieve the intensity of our symptoms by adopting habits that promote good mental hygiene.

Indeed, there are small relaxing exercises that we can do every day to help us feel more focused and less at the mercy of our crazy thoughts.

47 Simple and Effective Tips to Fight Anxiety.

Here are the best tips that I have found and that I use on a daily basis to fight against my anxieties. Try them and see if they are useful for you:

1. Make sleep important. I've long boasted that I "need" less sleep than other people. But when I started working in the evenings and was able to sleep as long as I wanted in the morning, I found that I felt more relaxed every day, when I could get enough sleep, with a regular rhythm. Today, I have to get up again in the morning, but my day is much easier when I don't decrease my sleep quota.

2. If falling asleep is difficult, this recipe almost always helps to feel more relaxed, serene, and ready to sleep:a clean room, freshly laundered sheets, and a few drops of lavender essential oil on my pillow. You'll wake up feeling like you're on a spa vacation, at least until you open your eyes.

3. If you really have trouble falling asleep, you can listen to relaxing music to fall asleep. Just press "play" and listen to the music to guide you to sleep. I really like the relaxing videos from the Meditation Relax Club channel on Youtube :

4. Each time you wash your hands, take three deep breaths and then exhales . After you've done it for a while, it'll become automatic, and you'll have devised a sort of relaxing little daily ritual, kicking in every time you go to the bathroom, or when you wash your hands before getting ready. the meal.

5. Take a hot shower. This removes a lot of worries, and finally allows you to take a break between your big anxieties.

6. Occasionally, go out to lunch without anyone but yourself. Sit outside if you can. Order a good meal and read a book, or enjoy having a little time just for yourself.

47 Simple and Effective Tips to Fight Anxiety.

7. When you get mad at yourself because you keep worrying, tell yourself "It's okay, I'm just trying to take good care of myself."

8. Grab a piece of paper or open a new document on the computer, and write down all the things that worry you. Sometimes just putting concerns into words can be a big relief.

9. Take a minute to remind yourself that nothing bad is likely to happen — and even if it is, you'll always find a way to handle it . As you always do. Here is a quote from Danielle LaPorte, which I find very useful on this subject:

"You're not going to die. Here's the naked truth:If you go bankrupt, you'll still be fine. If you lose your car, your lover, your house, it's still ok. If you sing out of tune, get beaten by the competition, get your heart broken, get won't kill you. Ask anyone who's been there. "

10. Read more helpful and relaxing quotes here or other inspirational quotes here.

11. Dim the lights and light a candle.

12. Take the good old self-improvement method test where you list the three most satisfying things and the three most stressful things of each of your days. Over time, you will see the picture of what stresses you out and what brings you joy — and you can adjust your life accordingly.

13. Keep a "compliment journal" where you write the nice things people say about you. After a while, you'll have pages to flip through when you're having a bad day. And it will remind you that the way your anxious brain sees you is not the way the world around you sees you.

14. Make a habit of touching your partner. Hug often , making sure you have plenty of skin-to-skin contact. This releases oxytocin which will make you feel good.

To discover: 9 Benefits of Hugs You Didn't Know About.

15. If you're single, make it a point to hug your friends when you say hello and goodbye to them. Have your back massaged while you watch TV or even when you go out, so you can enjoy the benefits.

16. Take a walk around the neighborhood . No need to go 10 km, just a short walk around the neighborhood.

17. Try to get to know the people who frequent the places you go to often — the coffee shop, the gas station, the grocery store, the gym. Just learn the names of the people you see and say hello to them. They will greet you in turn, and you will quickly have the impression that people are happy to see you , wherever you go.

18. Walk into a pet store and look at the puppies and kittens.

19. Go to the beach. It's a way to escape (physically and mentally) by looking at the people around you while absorbing a little vitamin D. If the beach is too far, go to the edge of a river or a pond.

47 Simple and Effective Tips to Fight Anxiety.

20. Drink a glass of water. Sometimes anxiety is only caused by dehydration.

21. Buy yourself some flowers. For less than 10€ you can treat yourself to a small bouquet of hydrangeas, which are beautiful flowers, smell good and last a long time (as long as a flower can last).

22. Buy yourself a relaxing oil like this with a calming scent like lavender, and massage your arms , legs, hands and feet for a few minutes when you are stressed.

23. List everything that worries you at the moment. Try to list three things that could help you in each of these situations . Then do (or start doing) one of these things.

24. Read a book from your childhood.

25. Block this person who is stressing you out on Facebook all the time or makes you feel bad.

To discover: 10 Good Reasons To Stop Checking Facebook Permanently.

26. If your gym has a sauna or steam room — take advantage of it! You don't even have to exercise, you can just use the sauna or steam room as an excuse to get out of the house and relax.

27. Clean your room or apartment. It's amazing how cathartic cleaning can be, and how much better you feel after putting everything in its place.

28. Tell what's bothering you to a trusted friend. You'd be surprised how calming an outsider's opinion can be when things are messing up inside your own head.

29. Or go out and meet your friends for a cup of coffee or tea. When you are stressed, change your environment is a way to literally leave the stress behind.

30. Watch a Coluche sketch on Youtube. Or any other comic that always makes you laugh.

31. Try a spinning class. The lights are off so no need to worry about ridicule, and the combination of loud music and a challenge to complete is the perfect distraction for an anxious person.

32. If you already know that exercising decreases anxiety, but you're having trouble motivating yourself to get started, remember that only 21 minutes is enough to reap the benefits. It's shorter than an episode of Friends!

33. Do yoga.

34. If you're a complete beginner or just don't like yoga, know that you don't necessarily need a teacher or even leave your home. Find out how in our tip here.

35. Take a minute and remember a difficult time that happened to you, and how you had the strength and intelligence to get through it. It will show you that you can and will handle anything else that gets in your way.

36. Buy new sheets, throw pillows, and make sure your comforter is really comfortable. The idea is to have at least one place (your bed) that is a refuge — always relaxing and comfortable, and just for you.

37. Go to the hairdresser. Make sure you go to a hairdresser who gives you a real scalp massage while shampooing. Focus on the fact that it's a real luxury to be able to sit somewhere and let someone else do something for you.

38. Put on some soft music. This playlist is a good start.

39. Release some of your tension through sexual pleasure (or masturbation).

40. Rather than getting bogged down in your own thoughts, do something for someone else. It can be as simple and easy as sending a thank you message to someone who has done something nice for you, or just telling them you appreciate them. If you have more time, make someone their favorite dessert or bring them flowers, just like that for no reason. Seeing that you can make someone happy with just the little things is a very powerful feeling.

47 Simple and Effective Tips to Fight Anxiety.

41. Make a list of 10 things for which you are grateful.

42. Swallow a capsule of fish oil. The omega-3 it contains reduce anxiety and depression.

43. Follow this helpful tip:"move your body and your mind will follow ". Since our physical symptoms are caused by anxious thoughts, relieving the symptoms relieves the thoughts. Slow your breathing, massage your forearms, do what you need to relax your body, and your mind will go the same way. .

44. Become a forgiving person. Free yourself from the weight of grudges or dislike for people who have wronged you in the past. Make the choice to stop caring and leave it behind.

45. Go minimalist.

46. Paint something in your room yellow. Indeed, it has been shown that this color makes people happy .

47. Keep a journal of how adopting these habits helps you over time. Often the best motivation to change is just knowing it's possible.