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23 Tips to get motivated and train

We all want to look good, but not all of us do something about it. If you're not happy with the way you look when you look in the mirror, it's time to do something about it. First you have to be motivated. We have here 23 tips to get motivated to train.

1. Answer this question truthfully. Don't want to look good? If so, then you should start doing something about it.

2. Grab an old pair of jeans. Then you can see how time and bad eating habits have ensured that you no longer fit in your favorite jeans.

3. Look at old photos. We almost always look better in old photos.

4. Don't change your life overnight. Never overdo your exercise regime. Start slow and spend a few weeks warming up to this new lifestyle.

5. Compare yourself. Does one of your girlfriends have a body you dream of? Then gently say to yourself every day that you want to have a better physique than that girlfriend.

6. Grasp the area that is too thick. It's not very fun to do, but it's the easiest way to see how much fat you actually have.

7. Watch some before and after videos on youtube. There are thousands of proud fitness freaks who didn't all look like this before. Watch the videos and get inspired.

8. Learn from experiences. Talk to someone who used to be overweight. Or read experiences of people online who have changed their lives after only a few months of training.

9. Don't expect magical results. This is a big mistake that most people encounter when they start a new exercise regime. They train for a month and expect miracles. All the weight has come on in several years, then it will also take a while before it goes off.

10. Use an activity tracker. With an activity tracker you can stay motivated to reach your health and fitness goals by tracking your activity, exercise, sleep, weight and more.

11. Buy a dress that's a few sizes smaller. Start training and put on your dress once a week on your rest day and see if it fits better. A few months later, you will see that that once tight dress now fits you perfectly.

12. Get a workout buddy. A workout buddy can work wonders for your motivation to exercise. Not only will you push each other, but there will also be a lot of competition in the air to look fitter than the other person.

13. Show your results to people who matter. If you find yourself getting slimmer, stand in front of the mirror and share your thoughts with a loved one. Sometimes all you need is someone else to notice your improvement to make you feel better and be more motivated to exercise.

14. Take before and after photos. Start by taking a picture of yourself. And once you start exercising, take a new set of after shots every month. Give it a few months to compare the photos. Chances are you'll be pleasantly surprised to see the new you.

15. Eat healthy. Keep plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your fridge. You will feel light and good after every meal. And your skin will be radiant in just a few weeks.

16. Don't starve yourself. You need a lot of energy to train. Starving yourself will make you feel tired and weary, which will only discourage you further.

17. Don't crash dieting. Most women like crash diets because they promise to lose weight quickly. Do not start there because the kilos will fly even faster afterwards.

18. Plan for big events. Get ready to get ready for a big event coming up in a few months, like a wedding. But give yourself at least four to six months to see a better transformation.

19. Pick a great playlist. Good music can help motivate and energize you during a workout.

20. Mark your calendar. Motivate yourself by marking the times you've completed a full workout. It will certainly motivate you to train harder and more regularly.

21. Switch workouts. Too much of the same can be boring. So switch workouts every few weeks. It will help your body better and prevent you from getting bored.

22. Buy beautiful warkout clothes. If you look good while you exercise, you will work harder to get rid of those unsightly areas.

23. Measure yourself. Don't step on the scale too often. Muscle outweighs fat, so you could become demotivated. Instead, measure your body in different places and see how many centimeters it has gone.