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Michel Aubier, the Pulmonologist Who Doesn't Spit on Diesel.

Michel Aubier, the Pulmonologist Who Doesn t Spit on Diesel.

Heared by the Senate, pulmonologist Michel Aubier swore under oath have no link with economic players linked to oil.

And now we learn that the pulmonologist works… for TOTAL.

Michel Aubier even stated that “the number of cancers in respiratory pathologies linked to pollution is extremely low”.

For years and in many media, he has constantly minimized the effect of pollution, and in particular diesel, on public health.

Michel Aubier, the Pulmonologist Who Doesn t Spit on Diesel.

A month before, in the program, "Allo Docteurs" on France 5, to the question "can air pollution be carcinogenic?", Michel Aubier answered:

"I don't think, and most experts agree, that being exposed to ambient pollution, in cities like Paris, predisposes you to lung cancer, unless you have another contributing factor, like smoking. You can watch the video in question below:

However, the Journal Liberation has just revealed that the doctor has been working since 1997 (that is almost 20 years! ) for Total .

As you know, Total also produces diesel, the very harmful effects of which on human health have been denounced by many medical studies.

Michel Aubier is indeed a medical consultant within the oil group Total, paid handsomely for this. He is also a member of the board of directors of the TOTAL foundation.

Obviously, this lie of the doctor, under oath, is criminally reprehensible for false testimony.

Michel Aubier simply replied:“I should have declared it, it’s true, but it hadn’t even occurred to me (…). I guarantee you in all transparency that there is absolutely no conflict of interest. We are left speechless!

Michel Aubier, the Pulmonologist Who Doesn t Spit on Diesel.

A "dishonest" attitude for the senators of the commission of inquiry who will soon decide on his fate following this perjury.

Multiple independent studies have shown for years that diesel emits particles that enter our lungs and slowly kill us. This fuel thus contributes to 42,000 premature deaths each year.

According to the WHO, more than 7 million people die prematurely due to air pollution worldwide.

Since 2012, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified diesel engine exhaust gases in the category of "certain carcinogens" – the same as asbestos or tobacco – because of the dangerousness of the very small particles emitted during the combustion of diesel.

The problem remains the strength of the pro-diesel lobby in France, which infiltrates all our institutions, as does the pesticide lobby. It is also a technology deliberately favored in France, for the sole purpose of helping the car manufacturer Peugeot to sell its cars at a lower price.

And this new case shows how vigilant each citizen must be about the information they may hear in the media, or even in Parliament:the oil and automobile lobby is not ready to weaken.

Everyone's action is therefore essential and the pressure to be put on our elected officials to fight it remains essential.