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The 13 Super Powers of Women Who Don't Wear Makeup.

The 13 Super Powers of Women Who Don t Wear Makeup.

Media, advertising, social…. We live in an age in which outward beauty and sophistication are continually celebrated.

To keep up with the requirements of fashion and advertising, people try to create an appearance by hiding what is "wrong" with them.

And who are the first victims of these social pressures? Women.

They try to show others a false image of themselves, an artificial image, accessorized with clothes and, very often, makeup.

Makeup is like a mask.

But, with this mask, how can we see your self-confidence, your natural kindness and benevolence?

Here are the 13 superpowers of women who wear little or no makeup:

The 13 Super Powers of Women Who Don t Wear Makeup.

1. They know how to be loved for who they are

Women who don't wear makeup daily, if ever, are realistic and honest with themselves.

When they're around other people, they don't care if they're being watched or judged for their wiles.

They don't build character. They can relax and savor being loved for who they are, both physically and as a person.

2. They save time. Lots of time.

It takes time to wear makeup every day and stand out from others.

Can't all this time wasted becoming someone you are not be used for something else?

For example, it could be used to do important and rewarding things, like helping out a friend, being on time for lunch, or reading a great book.

3. They don't have to please everyone

"All tastes and colors are in nature" as the saying goes. These women know it.

It is therefore useless and vain to seek indefinitely to adjust one's appearance to please people. The result can only be very disappointing.

On the contrary, women who remain natural prefer to highlight their real assets by being smiling, pleasant and honest with people.

4. They save a lot of money

Let's be clear:beauty products are horribly expensive. Cosmetics manufacturers know how to always create more needs that do not exist to make us spend more.

And, very often, the return on investment is far from guaranteed, especially since these products are often full of chemicals and, therefore, harmful.

Women who use no makeup, or very little, therefore realize real savings on a daily basis. And they can then use that money for more useful and interesting purposes.

5. They are more attractive

Of course, people can be attracted to a pretty face that is well made up and highlighted.

But that never lasts long, because appearance isn't the only thing that defines a person.

A woman is much more than that.

What really counts to seduce is kindness, a warm and benevolent character, open-mindedness.

These rare qualities do not need any make-up. They will be appreciated by those around you and make you naturally attractive.

6. They build stronger relationships

Women who don't wear makeup are able to be who they really are. And this necessarily plays a very important role in their romantic relationships.

If someone is seduced by a natural woman, she knows that it is not a superficial attraction and that this person is seduced by what she is, without artifice.

Moreover, she is not complexed by her imaginary "physical defects" and therefore knows how to be comfortable with her partner.

This necessarily plays on her confidence in herself and in the relationship!

This type of relationship is more likely to last because it is not built on foundations of selfishness or superficiality.

7. They have more self-confidence

Nothing and no one is perfect. These women appreciate who they are. They like their body and their face as they are.

They don't try to hide their little flaws.

They ignore it because they have already realized that it is not the most important.

They are confident in what they show to others.

8. They accept their age

Whether we like it or not, we are all subject to the passage of time and old age.

Women who don't wear makeup know this well. It is therefore easier for them to accept the changes that their body and face are experiencing, the little wrinkles here and there.

Their anxiety is much less compared to a woman who has a habit of beautifying herself with makeup.

She tends to scrutinize herself in the mirror every day in search of new "physical flaws".

9. They know what makes them happy

These women know what "being happy" means.

By evicting what is not important in their life (the artifices to try to be what one is not), they manage to appreciate the taste for simple things and all these small details and pleasures of life. .

A far cry from the luxury and sophistication sold by make-up manufacturers.

They have nothing to hide, to hide and especially not their magnificent smile!

10. They are not afraid of skin allergies

Cosmetic products contain a lot of allergenic and chemical ingredients, often very harmful to the skin.

Also, by not wearing makeup, these women don't worry about pimples popping up!

11. They don't follow fashion like sheep

These women know they are independent and free-spirited.

They are not victims of the pressure of the media and advertising that a woman needs makeup to look her best.

They already feel perfect the way they are.

12. They are listened to more

By focusing on showcasing the important things in their lives rather than how they look, people are more interested in what they say and have to offer.

They are not stared at but listened to for their true personality and inner beauty.

13. They are more respected

As they have confidence in themselves and respect each other, they transmit these good energies around them.

The people around them are more confident. They are looked at with more respect and do the same with their interlocutors.