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Who are the most frequent organ donors?

Who are the most frequent organ donors?

Religion has a major influence on whether or not you want to be an organ donor. For example, it appears that non-religious Dutch people are most often willing to be organ donors.

No fewer than 37 percent of non-religious Dutch people are willing to be organ donors, according to figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). Among Protestant and Catholic people, 28 and 25 percent, respectively, are willing to be organ donors. Practicing Muslims are a lot less willing with only 1 percent.

Read also: 'That's why it's important to become a donor'

Body intact

"In Islam it is encouraged to help sick people, but it is also important that the body remains intact after death," says CBS.


Statistics Netherlands also sees that women, the (highly) educated, 25-65 year-olds and people without a migration background are more likely to be potential organ donors than men, the low-skilled, young people and people over 65 and migrants.

Donor shortage

There is currently a major shortage of donors. That is why a new donor law will come into effect on 1 July. If you do not make a choice, you will end up in the register with the statement 'no objection to organ donation'. For example, the government hopes that people will want to donate.