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Quitting smoking reduces the risk of complications after surgery

A study published by the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends smoking cessation before surgery. Stopping smoking at least four weeks before such an operation would allow for better recovery and a reduced risk of complications.

Quit smoking before an operation

Are you going to have surgery soon? This is a perfect opportunity to quit smoking , according to a study published by the WHO on January 20, 2020. This research was carried out jointly by the University of Newcastle (Australia) and the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (FMSA).

According to the leaders of the study, quitting smoking would reduce the risks of post-operative complications . Remember that after an operation, the body makes every effort to heal and fight infections. It is therefore a question of a process requiring an increase in the needs for oxygen and nutrients. The fact is that the nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes are able to reduce oxygen levels in the blood.

So quitting smoking can improve blood flow throughout the body to vital organs. Importantly, researchers indicate that each week without tobacco – after 4 weeks – improves health outcomes by 19% . The study also explains that patients who quit smoking are less at risk of complications with regard to anesthesia.

Quitting smoking reduces the risk of complications after surgery

WHO recommends weaning

“The report demonstrates that there are benefits to postponing minor or elective surgery to offer patients the opportunity to quit smoking, which is translates into a better outcome for their health” said Vinayak Prasad, head of the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative.

Thus, WHO believes states should include cessation programs and education campaigns in their health policy. Moreover, this news adds to the scientific consensus that has been established for a long time. As everyone knows, quitting smoking generally leads to better health.

Soft solutions for quitting smoking are not legion. However, an unexpected area in the matter has distinguished itself several times:the video game. In 2018, we mentioned the game Smokitten, the goal of which is to help a cat lost on a desert island to overcome his tobacco addiction. In 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in the United States, developed a video game aimed at the fight against tobacco. Targeting young people in particular, this game is distinguished by its dark, even violent side.


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