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Lying down increases the chance of artificial insemination

Lying down increases the chance of artificial insemination

Women who lie on their backs for 15 minutes after artificial insemination are 50 percent more likely to get pregnant than if they get up straight away. This is apparent from research led by gynecologist-in-training Inge Custers of the Center for Reproductive Medicine of the Academic Medical Center (AMC).

The research shows that women who remain lying down with their legs drawn up for 15 minutes after the treatment have one and a half times more chance of pregnancy than women who immediately get up. For women who immediately get up, the chance of conception is 18 percent, for women who remain lying down it is already 27 percent.

Researchers do not yet know how this is possible, but women are advised to ask their doctor if they can lie down for a while. With a successful treatment it is not necessary to switch to other, more drastic and expensive treatments such as IVF

Artificial insemination , in which semen is introduced directly into the uterus using a syringe, is the most widely used fertility method worldwide. In the Netherlands, almost 30,000 women receive this treatment.