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Dental phobia:tips for anyone who is afraid of the dentist

My slightly trembling hands are clammy. And also under my armpits I start to feel wet. My mouth, on the other hand, is bone dry. No, I don't have a job interview. And I'm not going to meet my new in-laws for the first time either. No, the one I'm about to shake hands with isn't my friend—and never will be. While he is quite a nice man. But if I had a choice I would never go there again. Did you guess it? It's time for the dental check up again. Long live my dental phobia. Do you also hate going to the dentist? Then please read on.

Table of Contents

Dentist phobia; grit your teeth

For some people, a visit to the dentist is nothing. But there are also a lot of people just like me. They really have to go a bit further before every check-up. To end up in that chair at all. Because every fiber in my body only wants one thing:to get out of the waiting room as quickly as possible. The scraping sounds coming from the treatment room don't really help my mood either. I'll be there in a few moments. And my teeth are being scraped.

I'm not the only one who has to hold the teeth together for a dentist visit. In fact, apparently it's already a lot that I still go. Research has shown that no fewer than 800,000 Dutch people simply do not go at all because of their dental phobia! The easiest way – but not for your teeth.

Do you still have a cavity?

No one goes to the dentist for fun. But what if you have ever had such an unpleasant experience that there is a dental trauma? Or if you are simply (for no apparent reason) afraid of the dentist? Then it takes a lot of self-discipline to make that appointment again. A dental phobia can seriously endanger the health of your mouth.

In the past, there were probably many more people with a dental phobia. Because treatments were simply less developed than in 2017. Did you know that nowadays 98% of the treatments can be performed painlessly?

Dental phobia:what can you do about it?

Despite the fact that pain actually rarely has to occur in that dental chair, 40% of Dutch adults say that they are afraid of the dentist. Do you also belong to that group? Then you can do something about that dental phobia. Read through the tips below.

  • Discuss your fear with your dentist. They can reassure you and possibly take extra time for you. Remember that you really are not his or her first nervous patient.
  • Are you afraid of pain? In that case, as standard, ask for anesthetic during procedures. And remember that if you postpone (or cancel) a treatment, the pain will eventually catch up with you. And then it is often a lot worse.
  • Relaxation and breathing exercises can help. Other distractions, such as music, can also benefit. And maybe your dentist likes that too 😉
  • The trust between you and your dentist is extremely important. Especially if you want to feel that your fear is taken seriously. If you are not really satisfied with your current dentist, you can simply look for another one. Did you know that there is even a network of Lieve Dentists?

The Dear Dentist

The sweet dentist is not just a prince from a fairy tale. It's a hallmark. A network of all dentists, who have earned that quality mark through their 'sweet' care. What requirements does a dentist have to meet to become a Lieve Dentist? The practice must, among other things, receive the customer in a personal and friendly manner. The treatment plan is discussed well in advance. Your dentist also takes the time to explain during the treatment. is a platform that helps you find a certified LieveTandarts near you. This way, even if you are afraid of the dentist, your teeth can still receive the care that is needed.

Fear of the dentist in children

Dental phobia is much less common among kids these days than it used to be. Because we take better care of our mouth, so surgery is needed less often. And if something has to be done, the treatment is usually painless. Is your child afraid of the dentist? Then you can also try to do something about it.

  • Take your child to the dentist as early as possible. The younger they pick it up, the smaller the chance of anxiety.
  • Go to the dentist with younger children. When they get a little older, let them go on their own. Is good for self-confidence.
  • Are you afraid of the dentist yourself? Do not let the children be present during your check-up or treatment. Also try not to let the fear show on them. Children quickly adopt that kind of behavior. Because if mom or dad find something scary, it must be very bad, right?
  • Is there progress in dental visits? A small reward won't hurt either. As long as there isn't too much sugar in it

Assured of good oral care

Aside from being afraid of the dentist, there's one more reason people avoid healthcare. The price tag. A visit to the dentist, even if it is a simple check-up, is not cheap. Problems in your mouth? Make sure you are properly insured for oral care. Comparing your health insurance is therefore not an unnecessary luxury. Jolinda did the same, for example, when her son had to get braces to limit the costs of braces as much as possible.

Even without the most extensive package, everyone in the Netherlands can go to the dentist. You can even pay your deductible in installments in order to get all the medical care you need. But it's still an expensive joke, that dentist. And comparing insurance policies may be no more fun than a visit to the dentist; it is definitely worth it.

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