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How to Clear Your Nose Quickly and Naturally?

How to Clear Your Nose Quickly and Naturally?

Another cold? Tired of having a stuffy nose?

SOS is there to get you out of this mess!

Head to the bathroom to get it over with quickly and naturally.

Here are 2 tips that work well to clear your nose instantly.

To decongest your nose, try our 100% natural remedies now rather than taking medication.

1. A few drops of lemon

How to Clear Your Nose Quickly and Naturally?

How to unclog a nostril? With lemon!

Pour a few drops of lemon into a cup filled with water.

Mix well.

Hold the cup close to your nose and suck in some liquid through a nostril.

Then discharge the water into the sink through the same nostril.

Do the same with the other nostril. A little water may pass down your throat, that's okay.

You can repeat the operation several times.

2. Salt water

How to Clear Your Nose Quickly and Naturally?

Another technique for clearing your nose, just as effective and quick, is salt water.

Pour a teaspoon of coarse salt into a bowl filled with hot water and proceed in the same way.

Natural and economical, right? And above all, effective!

Small bonus

For ease, press on the free nostril while operating on the other.

Clearing a congested nose is often very complicated.

We find ourselves very embarrassed, during the day, as well as at night trying to sleep, we have sinus pain...

No more worries now about clearing your sinuses!

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's remedy to unclog your nose? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!