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11 Easy and Effective Cold Remedies.

11 Easy and Effective Cold Remedies.

When we think of winter, family meals, gifts and the holidays immediately come to mind.

But it's also the season for colds!

Runny nose, stuffy nose, not to mention fever :it's really a hassle.

If cold symptoms are weighing you down, try these methods you can use at home.

You will not only treat your cold, but it will also save you a trip to the doctor.

Here are 11 easy and effective remedies against the common cold. Watch:

11 Easy and Effective Cold Remedies.

1. Drink regularly

When we have a cold, our nose is congested and our body is dehydrated.

Drink water or fruit juice regularly to clear your nose.

Drinking regularly will also prevent a dry throat and dehydration.

As a general rule, you should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day when you have a cold. A standard glass contains 25 centilitres.

Prefer water, fruit juices, and herbal teas. A good homemade soup won't hurt you either!

On the other hand, avoid sodas and coffee.

They contain caffeine which is a diuretic and will dehydrate you!

2. Take inhalations

If your nose is congested or won't stop running, here's how to prepare one of the best remedies:inhalation.

It couldn't be simpler, you don't even have to leave the house.

Boil water in a saucepan.

Lean your head over the vapors from the pan and breathe through your nose.

If the steam burns your nostrils, just breathe a little slower.

You can also cover your head with a towel.

This will create a mini steam tent above the pan.

The vapors will have a beneficial effect which will moisten your nasal cavity and decongest it.

3. Blow your nose, but blow your nose well!

The trick seems silly, I know.

But when you have a cold, it is very important to blow your nose regularly.

Otherwise, we sniff phlegm (snot) and it lands in our throat. Yuck!

Attention, I am surprised by the number of people who blow their nose badly!

If you blow your nose too hard, the pressure can carry germs into your inner ear.

You will have an earache in addition to having a cold.

Here's how to blow your nose correctly:blow one nostril at a time .

Put a finger on one of your nostrils and exhale gently from the other nostril to decongest it.

4. Make your own nasal spray

Another very effective remedy is nasal spray .

You can always buy one at a pharmacy. Or, take matters into your own hands and make your own saline solution!

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 of baking soda in a glass of warm water.

Next, fill a pear with enema. You can find some here.

If you don't have an enema bulb, try using a syringe without a needle.

Tilt your head back over the sink.

Put a finger on one nostril to close it and gently pour the solution into the other nostril.

Leave to irrigate and repeat 2 to 3 times per nostril.

Be careful, to avoid exposing yourself to germs, be very careful about what you put in your nose!

Here are some precautions for irrigations.

Use either demineralized water or boiled water that you will let cool.

Don't forget to clean and air dry your enema bulb.

5. Rest in a warm place

When you have a cold, your body is attacked by a virus.

It's a real battle in your body, and it's tiring!

So help your body and lie down under a good blanket!

The rest and warmth will help your body focus its energy to defend itself.

6. Make mouthwash

Gargle with a solution of warm water and salt.

It will moisten and soothe your throat.

Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and gargle 3-4 times a day.

If your throat is itchy, try Grandma's recipe.

A tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of hot water .

Let cool to room temperature.

It gives a viscous solution that will relieve your dry throat.

7. Discover the toddy

Warm liquids relieve nasal congestion (stuffy nose).

They prevent dehydration and soothe irritated membranes in your nose and throat.

If you're so congested you can't fall asleep, try good ol' hot toddy.

Prepare a cup of tea .

Then add 1 spoon of honey and 1 small glass of rum .

There you go, not only does it feel good, but it's also very good!

Be careful, drink only one . Because too much alcohol can irritate the membranes even more.

It would give exactly the opposite effect than what we want. So, moderation with toddies !

8. Take a nice hot shower

Take a hot shower. The goal is to create full steam.

The vapors moisten your nasal cavity and rest your body.

If you're dizzy from the flu, standing is going to take too much effort.

Do not hesitate to wash yourself sitting down to enjoy the good effect of the vapours.

9. Apply menthol ointment

Your nose is red and irritated from blowing your nose?

Apply a small amount of menthol ointment under your nose.

Menthol, eucalyptus, and camphor will soothe your irritated skin.

In addition, it decongests the nasal cavity.

10. Apply warm towels

A heat source applied to your nose will decongest it .

Nothing could be simpler to implement!

Dampen a washcloth and microwave for 30 seconds.

Remember to control the temperature before applying it to your face.

11. Sleep with an extra pillow

Take a second pillow when you go to bed.

The angle under your head will be increased and it will help decongest your nose.

If the angle is too awkward, try reducing it by placing the pillow between the box spring and the mattress of your bed.

Your turn...

You've Tried These Grandma's Natural Remedies to cure a cold? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!