Knots in the hair, how awful...
It pulls and it hurts when you want to brush them!
How to manage to untangle them without losing half of them and without suffering?
Fortunately, there are a few tips for having beautiful, soft hair. Follow our advice!
The oil does not hydrate the hair, contrary to what one might think. On the other hand, it allows them to be deeply nourished.
How do you moisturize the hair?
Simply by regularly spraying water on it. We put spring water in a spray bottle that we use whenever the hair seems dry.
The hydration of the hair also goes from the inside. So we drink a lot of water. Thus, our hair is hydrated in depth and on the surface.
Finally, for very dry hair, I mix 1/4 sweet almond oil or olive oil in 3/4 spring water in a spray bottle . In this way, I hydrate my hair while making it more supple and soft.
There's nothing like detangling your hair while it's still wet. Indeed, the hair is more supple in these conditions and this greatly facilitates detangling.
To dry your hair, you don't need to rub your head with your towel. You will tangle them more. We just wring them gently, without rubbing, wrapping them in a towel.
For good detangling, do not use a brush. This will promote clumping of hair which will cause an even bigger knot. Instead, use a comb with wide teeth.
We start by untangling the ends and we go up very slowly to the roots, so as not to break the hair.
To facilitate detangling after your usual shampoo, use a clove rinse.
In a glass jar, I put some cloves that I let infuse 3 to 4 days in a little water . I then pour this mixture on my hair before getting out of the shower.
Shea butter is known to intensely moisturize, but also to facilitate hair detangling.
1. Melt the shea butter in a bain-marie if the jar is glass, or simply in the microwave. Be careful that the butter is just reheated and not burnt.
2. I take a dab of shea butter and apply it to my hair and, in particular, to the lengths.
3. I let it act 15 min on damp hair.
4. I rinse with clear water, and I shampoo if my hair is too greasy.
Thus, detangling will be much easier and your hair will be intensely nourished.
To avoid having too tangled hair, it must be brushed regularly and moisturized. From now on, I no longer have to worry about having beautiful, smooth and perfectly detangled hair.