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How to quickly relieve wasp and bee stings?

How to quickly relieve wasp and bee stings?

The stings of wasps, bees or other insects are not is never pleasant.

We don't always have pharmaceutical products on hand, so sometimes we have to do "with the means at hand".

Come on, I'll give you all my little tips for quickly relieving them without danger.

Whether it's a bee, a wasp or a hornet that stings you, the principles are pretty much the same to relieve the sting.

With the difference that a bee will leave you a stinger .

Spot the possible Sting and Check for Allergies

The bees will leave a stinger in your skin that will continue to inject you its venom until you remove it.

The first thing to do is therefore to see if there is one.

Gently remove it with your fingernail or tweezers, if you have one handy. Don't crush it , remove it completely.

Once it's done, if you're not sure if you're allergic, check it out.

Here are the symptoms to spot in case of allergy:

- difficulty in breathing,

- swelling of the face, throat or mouth,

- hives spreading around where the stinger was,

- an acceleration of the pulse,

- dizziness.

If these symptoms appear, locate with a stroke of a pen the place where you were bitten and there, no choice, go see a doctor.

If you have no allergies, continue the other steps calmly, you risk nothing.

Are you in Nature? Plant and Heat Reflex

If you are in a garden or on a picnic in nature, plants can relieve you first, before you go home.

See if you have on hand:

- plantain

- parsley

- poppies

Rub vigorously the place pricked with the plant you have found.

Renew the rub as many times as you want while you are on the scene.

If you can't find any plants, see if anyone smokes (for once you won't blame him!) or if you have leftover charcoal of a possible barbecue.

Approaching a heat source , the pain subsides. The technique is here.

When you get home, continue with the next step.

At Home:Onion, Vinegar or Pharmacy Reflex

If you are at home when you get bitten, you can skip this step after that of the sting and allergy detection.

See if you have on hand:an onion, vinegar, aspirin or essential oil of spike lavender.

- The onion :open it in half and rub the painful area for 10 to 15 minutes.

- The vinegar :soak a cotton ball or a handkerchief and rub the painful area for a few minutes. You can then leave the soaked cloth on the bite for a few hours.

- aspirin :Take two tablets of aspirin that you crush. Add a few drops of water and rub the painful part with this mixture.

- The essential oil of spike lavender :apply a drop directly on the bite.

For all these remedies, you can repeat the operation each time the pain returns during the day. Normally within a few hours you will be really relieved.

Note that spike lavender essential oil can be found in organic stores or on the Internet, at around €7.90 for 100 ml and that it also relieves burns. It is healing and soothing.

And There you go ! If you have no allergies , these remedies will suffice to soothe you. You see, no need to run to a pharmacy to buy overpriced products.

And you, how do you relieve insect bites? I would be happy to share our experiences with you in the comments.