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How to relieve heartburn naturally?

How to relieve heartburn naturally?

For some time now, you have had heartburn. The first thing to do is to see your doctor so that he checks that you do not have a health problem to be treated. If these heartburn are repetitive and no particular problem is detected, you can relieve them naturally. Be aware that stress, fatigue, an unbalanced diet, tobacco, alcohol, coffee or overweight can be the cause. Here are some tips to relieve those heartburn naturally.

Dried fruits

The dried fruits are very good to help soothe heartburn, especially almonds and walnuts . You can chew a few and swallow them. Within seconds or even minutes, you will feel rapid relief.

Herbal teas

Herbal teas are well-known natural products for relieving heartburn . Thus, the most effective of them are:

  • Fennel
  • Cumin
  • Anise
  • Chamomile
  • Yarrow
  • Licorice

You can consume them in herbal tea, but be careful, licorice is not recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Chewing gum

Contrary to popular belief, chewing gum are good to help you calm your heartburn . Chewing increases the production of saliva which simply neutralizes stomach acid. Choose sugar-free chewing gum .

The raw potato

Raw potatoes have many medicinal benefits . It acts as a diuretic, as a calming and healing agent, but also as a natural antacid. You can mix it to get a drinking juice in case of gastric burns, but also constipation. Potato cooking water would also be effective.

Sleep in a good position

When you go to bed, heartburn can wake up because you are not in the right position. If you lie down completely, gastroesophageal reflux disease occur. Sleep with your upper body elevated with pillows. If you prefer, sleep on the left side of the same side of the stomach, which is then lower than the esophagus. On the other hand, do not turn over on the right side which promotes acid reflux.

Do not fall asleep on a full stomach

If you go to bed right after eating and if you are prone to heartburn, chances are you are triggering an attack. Always eat three hours before to lie down and fall asleep to avoid this problem.

Avoiding certain foods

When you are in a crisis, you must avoid eating certain foods or drinking certain liquids, the main list of which is as follows:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Fatty foods
  • Fruit juices
  • Soft drinks
  • Fried foods
  • Strong spices
  • Smoked foods
  • Fresh bread
  • Milk
  • Mint
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Milk chocolate
  • Tobacco

This list is not exhaustive and it should also be noted that not all people suffering from heartburn are necessarily sensitive to these food products.

Avoid eating quickly

Because of life where everyone is in a hurry, many people eat too quickly . This problem accentuates gastric reflux. It is therefore necessary to eat slowly and chew food well. Meals can also be split into four to five intakes per day. Avoid large meals to make digestion easier.

Slow down the pace

If your heartburn is frequent and you are stressed , you will have to learn to slow down your pace of life. Relax, breathe, exercise or walk whenever you can. Learn relaxation and meditation techniques to better relax and your heartburn will pass on its own.

Drink water

Water intake is very important for people with heartburn. The first thing to do:completely stop the consumption of sparkling water and switch to plain water. If you feel sourness coming on, drink a large glass of plain water each time. .


If your stomach is fragile, you can drink mallow teas. This flower has antacid, anti-inflammatory and softening effects. You can consume two to three hot cups a day. The mallow can be bought in herbalism if you do not know this plant.

Green clay

Green clay is still a natural product which will help you fight against heartburn. Use it as indicated on the explanatory note. You can find this product in pharmacies or health food stores.


Ginger is a natural product to fight against heartburn. You can consume it in herbal tea by mixing 0.5 g of product powder in a cup of hot water. You can still grate some or take two capsules in the morning and at noon with meals with a large glass of water.

If despite all these natural tips, you still have heartburn, consult your doctor very quickly