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Choose the option that brings the most happiness and happiness is at your fingertips

Everything can be measured by the amount of happiness it brings. That is a truth like a cow. Nothing is worth anything if it doesn't bring enough happiness and happiness doesn't come into the picture. Happiness for yourself or for someone else.

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You can (partly) control your own happiness

Making someone else happy makes yourself doubly happy, that has been statistically proven, did you know that? And you can reconsider that on a case-by-case basis. Becoming happy is a possibility if you keep making those trade-offs.

A dress makes you happy

Dress on sale for twenty-five euros? Don't buy right away. First consider whether it adds something to your life and will make you happy.

Do I need it? If the answer is yes, obviously, that brings luck. If the answer is no, then you should ask yourself whether it makes you happy if it hangs in your closet. Is the answer yes to that last question? Then consider if there's nothing else standing in the way. Shouldn't you spend your money on something that yields more? Like a dental bill, which can make you pretty unhappy if you don't pay it? If not, do it! Do a pirouette in your new dress and smile at the world.

A pack of cookies makes you happy

Does eating a pack of cookies make me happy? Have nothing else to do for the rest of the day, and hungry? Is cake the best thing in the world? Did you put a lot of effort into your cookies? Especially nice to eat, because then you will be happy.

Is it to prevent boredom? Are there much tastier things in the world? Are you afraid of being overweight, how much sugar per day you ingest or rotten teeth? It's not worth it, get rid of that cookie. Strangely enough, that would be much easier. Especially with that thick tompouce in your head that you will take on Saturday. And then don't nag yourself about it, because enjoying it is also very healthy and also gives a feeling of happiness.

Put your job in the light of happiness

It also works for the bigger things in life. Your job is shit, but it pays so well. Are there no other options? Are you absolutely unable to survive without your job? Does luxury make you so happy that you want to endure eight hours a day of suffering? Keep that job! But is getting sick when you see the receptionist worth it? Do you check the clock all day to see if it's time to go home? Do you not trust your colleagues? Will you be happy with a new car every year? Hell no!

Or your relationship…

Your relationship isn't really that much fun anymore. Does that man still make you happy? Isn't it a nice piece to fix, can you improve your relationship and then you will be very happy together again? Does he have so much money in the bank that it makes up for everything? (never succeeds). Keep that guy. But do you think your life without him is really alluring? Does the eternal nagging and arguing come out of your nose? Say goodbye lovingly and go out into the wide world. That will probably make you both happier.

This makes me happier

I actually spend way too much money on travel. Sometimes the amounts scare me. But then I think, if I had no money now, and received 10,000 euros from someone. What would I do then? If I was now 94 and looking back on my life, what would I like to have done? Precisely. Super happy I pay a bill for a distant flight. I do make sure that I always stay in balance by 'leaving' things that make me less happy, or having less of them.

Be happy now, not later!

Yes, I understand that not everything is so easy. It may sound a bit simple. Indeed, life is complex. But if you manage to always make the decision, then it would be a shame to “bear” day after day with an unsociable head, and to wait for “later”.

Cause I've got news for you, it's now! So be kind to yourself and your loved ones and always choose the option that brings the most happiness, which is not to say that temporary happiness takes precedence over everything.

Shutterstock photo of chocolate happiness by RossHelen