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63 Essential Medicinal Plants For Healing.

63 Essential Medicinal Plants For Healing.

Medicinal plants have been used since ancient times to heal the body and avoid disease.

But did you know that taking care of yourself with 100% natural treatments was far from complicated?

You just need to know the uses of medicinal plants.

In fact, some of these plants are already part of the food in your kitchen!

Here are 63 medicinal plants that you can use to heal yourself:

63 Essential Medicinal Plants For Healing.

1. Yarrow

This herbaceous plant is found in Eurasia and North America.

Yarrow stimulates blood clotting. It is frequently used to treat wounds and nosebleeds.

This plant can also be used as a treatment for certain cardiovascular diseases, but under medical supervision.

Yarrow also relieves inflammation associated with colds and flu.

Scientific name:Achillea millefolium

Yarrow is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

2. Black cohosh

This plant, a variety of Actea, grows in the plains of eastern North America.

Its roots contain glucose derivatives that have estrogen-like effects.

Black cohosh is helpful in regulating the production of these hormones. Therefore, it is an effective treatment for pain associated with menstruation.

Black cohosh is also useful for fighting the symptoms of menopause. It prevents hot flashes and alleviates depression in postmenopausal women.

In addition, black cohosh also treats pain associated with rheumatism, headaches, osteoporosis, blood pressure and tinnitus.

Scientific name:Actaea racemosa

Black cohosh extract capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

3. Garlic

Garlic is recognized for its many antibiotic properties.

It is particularly effective against bronchitis and other respiratory infections.

In addition, garlic reduces the risk of having cardiovascular disease. Indeed, consuming garlic lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Garlic thins the blood, which makes it an excellent preventive remedy against cerebrovascular accidents (CVA).

Garlic also has antibacterial and antifungal properties — it can be used to treat yeast infections, rashes and warts.

But beware:garlic also has contraindications. It can irritate the digestive tract. Nursing mothers should avoid it, as it can cause colic in newborn babies.

Scientific name:Allium sativum

Garlic capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about garlic, click here to discover our article.

4. Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel is one of the most effective natural remedies for skin problems.

Use aloe vera gel topically to treat:burns, scars, wounds, acne breakouts, sunburn, varicose veins and skin ulcers.

You can also drink aloe vera juice internally. This treats gastritis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

Scientific name:Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of aloe vera, click here to discover our article.

5. Anise

Anise is an effective remedy for relieving cough. It is enough to prepare a decoction with green anise seeds and honey.

Scientific name:Pimpinella anisum

Anise is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

6. Dill

Dill is known for its calming properties. Soothing to find sleep, it is an effective remedy for insomnia.

Scientific name:Anethum graveolens

Dill essential oil is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

7. The tea tree

This plant, which comes from Australia, produces an oil with powerful antibacterial properties.

It is also useful as an antifungal.

Tea tree is particularly effective against problems related to the surface of the body (internal or external).

It treats skin problems (including acne), sinuses, bronchial tubes, ear infections and even dandruff.

Scientific name:Melaleuca alternifolia

Tea tree essential oil is easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of tea tree, click here to discover our article.

8. Mountain arnica

A gel is made from this perennial plant.

It is an ideal treatment to heal bruises, reduce bumps and relieve muscle pain.

But be careful:never use arnica gel internally or on broken skin. Take care to never use arnica in its undiluted form — it can be toxic.

Scientific name:Arnica montana

Arnica gel is easily found at herbalists or organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

9. Hawthorn

This thorny shrub can be used to treat coronary heart disease and angina pectoris — but only under medical supervision.

Hawthorn regulates blood pressure and stabilizes heart rate.

But be careful:do not take hawthorn treatment without consulting a doctor first!

Scientific name:Crataegus

Hawthorn capsules are easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

10. Basil

Prepare a basil-based infusion to ease migraine pain.

With the help of an enema bulb, women can also use basil to fight vaginal yeast infections.

Pregnant women are advised to avoid consuming basil.

Scientific name:Ocimum basilicum

Basil essential oil is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of basil, click here to discover our article.

11. Borage

Borage is an annual plant, common in Europe. It is appreciated by gardeners because it repels slugs.

Borage stimulates the adrenal glands. It is these glands that are responsible for managing stressful situations.

This means that borage is useful for better managing dangerous or stressful situations.

It also acts in the treatment of anxiety, depression and grief.

In addition, borage is an effective treatment against rheumatoid arthritis.

It also has diuretic properties and purifies the kidneys.

Scientific name:Borago officinalis .

Borage capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

12. The buchu

Buchu is a small shrub native to South Africa. It is also known as "bucco".

Buchu leaf is an effective antiseptic.

It is used to treat urinary tract infections, cystitis, vaginal yeast infections, prostate problems and urinary tract diseases.

In addition, buchu leaves reduce inflammation of the digestive system. That is why it is an effective remedy for bloating and intestinal gas.

Scientific name:Agathosma betulina

Buchu essential oil is easily found at herbalists or organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

13. Chamomile

Chamomile is a mild sedative — it can be used for sleep disorders.

But it also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Therefore, chamomile is particularly effective for digestive disorders:gastrointestinal irritation, ulcers, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Chamomile also relieves pain associated with digestion and menstruation.

It also increases the effect of other remedies. This is why it can be used in addition to other medicinal plants.

Scientific name:Chamaemelum nobil.

Chamomile essential oil is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of chamomile, click here to discover our article.

14. Cinnamon

What is called cinnamon is actually the inner bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree.

The essential oil extracted from this bark is an effective remedy for bronchitis.

For a persistent cough, make an inhalation with a container of boiling water and 4 drops of cinnamon essential oil.

Scientific name:Cinnamomum verum

Cinnamon essential oil is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about a cinnamon scrub, click here to discover our article.

15. Caraway

This plant, similar to dill and fennel, is cultivated for its seeds with medicinal properties. It is also known as "meadow cumin".

Caraway regulates menstruation and alleviates the pain associated with it.

Scientific name:Carum carvi .

Caraway essential oil is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

16. Celery

Celery is renowned for its sedative properties.

It is a treatment known to lower high blood pressure. Celery also helps the kidneys eliminate toxins from the body.

Scientific name:Apium graveolens .

Celery essential oil is easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of celery, click here to discover our article.

17. Celery seeds

Celery seeds relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis. If consumed regularly, it is also an effective treatment for gout.

Celery seeds are used to treat urinary tract infections, such as cystitis.

Moreover, it is also a powerful treatment against problems of the respiratory tract (asthma, bronchitis, etc.).

Scientific name:Apium graveolens .

Celery seed extract is easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

18. Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle is used to treat liver diseases:especially hepatitis and cirrhosis.

It is also used to help the liver support chemotherapy treatment (but of course, under medical supervision).

In addition, it is an effective treatment against depression associated with liver disease.

Scientific name:Silybum marianum

Milk thistle capsules are easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

19. Wild chicory

This plant is also known as "bitter chicory".

It is effective in dissolving gallstones and removing toxins from the liver.

Scientific name:Cichorium intybus .

Wild chicory tea is easily found at herbalists or organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

20. Comfrey

Comfrey is also known by the names "donkey's ear", "cow's tongue", "confée" and "comfrey".

The roots of comfrey contain allantoin . This chemical compound increases the growth and healing of muscles, bones and cartilage.

It has been used for centuries to treat broken bones and sprains. It also reduces edema. Comfrey is applied as a poultice (only use it externally).

You can also use comfrey powder for acne breakouts and scars.

Here's how:

Prepare a paste with 1 teaspoon of comfrey powder and a little water.

Apply this mixture to the affected parts. Leave on for as long as possible.

Scientific name:Symphytum officinale

Comfrey essential oil is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

21. Coriander

Coriander has antibacterial properties.

It is an effective treatment for stomach pain caused by bacteria.

Did you know that coriander is also a preservative for meat?

Scientific name:Coriandrum sativum

Coriander essential oil is easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of coriander, click here to discover our article.

22. Turmeric

This plant comes from the Indian subcontinent. It is used in particular for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Scientific name:Curcuma longa.

Turmeric capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the virtues of turmeric, click here to discover our article.

23. Damiana

Damiana is a shrub native to Mexico.

It is known for its aphrodisiac effects. Men use it in particular to treat impotence and premature ejaculation problems.

Damiana is also known to stimulate the reproductive organs in women. It also relieves pain associated with menstruation.

Damiana is also useful against nervous breakdowns and urinary tract infections.

Scientific name:Turnera diffusa

24. Echinacea

Echinacea strengthens the immune system, as it has powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties.

It is an extremely effective remedy for the flu, colds, sore throats, tonsillitis and even chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Echinacea can also be used to treat boils, dental abscesses and acne.

Scientific name:Echinacea purpurea.

Echinacea capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of echinacea, click here to discover our article.

25. Tarragon

This herbaceous plant is useful for fighting insomnia and depression.

Scientific name:Artemisia dracunculus.

Tarragon essential oil is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of tarragon, click here to discover our article.

26. Fennel

Fennel is an effective remedy for bad breath!

Scientific name:Foeniculum vulgare.

To learn more about how to fight bad breath with fennel, click here to discover our article.

27. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is also known as “trigonelle” or “sénégrain”. It is mainly used as a medicinal plant.

Fenugreek soothes the digestive system. It relieves pain from colitis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroenteritis and diarrhea.

Fenugreek is also known for its aphrodisiac properties. Chinese men often use it to treat impotence problems.

Scientific name:Trigonella foenum-graecum

Fenugreek capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

28. Raspberry

Raspberry leaves have a high calcium content. This makes it an effective treatment for osteoporosis.

In addition to healing wounds, raspberry leaves relieve canker sores and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums).

Raspberry leaves have several uses for women. They regulate heavy periods. In addition, they are known to prevent pregnancy-related nausea and prevent miscarriages.

They also relax the cervix before childbirth.

They are also reputed to alleviate post-natal depression.

But be careful:if you are pregnant, consult a doctor before taking raspberry leaf treatment.

Scientific name:Rubus idaeus

Raspberry leaf tea is easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

29. Chasteberry

This shrub grows around the Mediterranean basin. It is also known as "agnus-castus" and "pepper tree".

Chasteberry regulates estrogen levels in women. Therefore, it is an effective treatment for problems related to menopause and painful periods.

It can also be used against migraines associated with painful periods, breast pain and acne.

But beware:if you are on hormone replacement therapy, chasteberry is not an adequate replacement.

Depending on the treatment, chasteberry can be combined with black cohosh, sage and feverfew.

Scientific name:Vitex agnus-castus

Chaste tree capsules are easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

30. Ginger

Ginger has beneficial properties for the digestive system. It is particularly useful against motion sickness and nausea in general.

If you are pregnant, you can take it as a treatment for morning sickness. But consult your doctor first.

Ginger is an effective treatment for colds, flu, bronchitis and whooping cough.

Finally, ginger thins the blood — which reduces the risk of cardiovascular accidents.

Scientific name:Zingiber officinale.

Ginger capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of ginger, click here to discover our article.

31. Gingko biloba

The gingko is one of the oldest known family of trees. It is mainly grown in China.

The leaves of this tree increase the blood circulation of the brain. They are a well-known treatment for loss of memory and concentration in the elderly.

Gingko biloba is also used to treat dementia and as an antidepressant.

Gingko biloba leaves are a way to avoid cardiovascular arrest. They also eliminate blood clots and reduce tinnitus.

In addition, many people with multiple sclerosis are treated with gingko biloba leaves.

Scientific name:Ginkgo biloba .

Gingko biloba capsules are easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

32. Ginseng

Ginseng is a plant grown around the world.

Korean ginseng is known to relieve stress (and also for its aphrodisiac properties in men).

Although ginseng is considered a stimulant, it does not disrupt the body's sleep pattern.

Ginseng improves general health and uplifts the spirit, especially in the elderly.

But be careful:do not consume ginseng with caffeine, alcohol or if you suffer from high blood pressure.

Scientific name:Panax ginseng.

Ginseng capsules are easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the effects of ginseng, click here to discover our article.

33. The clove

Clove essential oil is a powerful remedy for toothache.

Cloves are also known to fight alcoholism.

Scientific name:Syzygium aromaticum.

Clove essential oil is easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of cloves, click here to discover our article.

34. Feverfew

Feverfew is a medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times.

It is also known by the names "golden pyrethrum", "moss pyrethrum" and "partenelle".

Feverfew has anti-inflammatory properties. It is sufficient to take it in small doses for a preventive treatment against migraines (especially period-related migraines).

Feverfew is also effective in relieving headaches, hangovers and pain related to osteoarthritis and rheumatism.

Scientific name:Tanacetum parthenium.

Feverfew capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

35. Witch hazel

Witch hazel includes 5 species of shrubs, which grow in North America, Japan and China.

These shrubs have powerful astringent properties. Therefore, they are used to heal wounds, bruises and sprains.

It is also an excellent restorative treatment to restore elasticity to the skin.

Scientific name:Hamamelis.

Witch hazel capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of witch hazel, click here to discover our article.

36. The harpagophyton

Harpagophyton is a plant that grows in the south of the African continent. It is also known as "devil's claw".

Harpagophyton is a powerful remedy for back pain, osteoarthritis and rheumatism. It is also an anti-inflammatory that relieves fever.

Finally, the harpagophyton stimulates digestion.

Scientific name:Harpagophytum procumbens

37. Goldenseal

This North American plant is useful for fighting mucous membrane problems and for treating breathing problems.

Goldenseal is particularly effective in combating fungal infections. But it can also be used as a remedy for peptic ulcers, liver disorders and urinary tract infections.

Finally, Goldenseal is known to stimulate the appetite.

Scientific name:Hydrastis Canadensis.

Goldenseal capsules are easily found at herbalists or organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

38. Hyssop

Hyssop is a bush that grows throughout the Mediterranean regions.

This plant with anti-inflammatory properties is frequently used by asthmatics.

Hyssop is also known to cure hay fever and colds, from the first symptoms.

Moreover, hyssop soothes the nerves. Therefore, it fights diarrhea of ​​nervous origin, overwork, anxiety, depression, grief and guilt.

Scientific name:Hyssopus officinalis.

Hyssop essential oil is easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

39. Lavender

Lavender essential oil is an effective remedy for frostbite (cold burns).

Add a pinch of lavender flowers to herbal tea for an invigorating effect.

To cure a migraine, simply add a pinch of lavender flowers to a linden tea.

Scientific name:Lavandula angustifolia.

Lavender flowers are easily found at herbalists or organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of lavender, click here to discover our article.

40. Lemon Balm

This plant, also known as "lemon balm", is widespread throughout Europe.

Lemon balm has properties that invigorate and boost morale. It is known to cure mild depression, irritability, anxiety and panic attacks.

It is also used to calm palpitations and heartbeats.

It is an effective remedy for digestive problems of nervous origin.

In external use, lemon balm fights cold sores.

Scientific name:Melissa officinalis.

Lemon balm capsules are easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of lemon balm, click here to discover our article.

41. Peppermint

There are several varieties of mint. For medicinal properties, the most used is peppermint.

Mint relieves heartburn and bloating. It is also an effective remedy for stomach pain, nausea and motion sickness.

It is also used to treat nasopharyngitis, sore throats, headaches and eye infections.

In addition, mint is an antiseptic. It can lower body temperature because it causes sweating.

Scientific name:Mentha ×piperita.

Peppermint essential oil is easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about peppermint, click here to discover our article.

42. St. John's wort

This plant, also known as "St. John's weed", is known for its antidepressant effects.

But it is also an effective antiviral remedy. It is used to treat influenza, hepatitis and HIV.

But beware:St. John's wort treatment has side effects. Do not take before consulting a doctor.

Scientific name:Hypericum perforatum.

St. John's wort capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

43. Mustard

Mustard is known to soothe heartburn. It can also relieve sprains.

Scientific name:Sinapis alba .

Mustard oil is easily found at herbalists or in organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the uses of mustard, click here to discover our article.

44. Nutmeg

The nutmeg tree, a tropical tree, produces the famous nutmegs.

They are an effective remedy for indigestion.

Scientific name:Myristica fragrans.

Nutmeg essential oil is easily found at herbalists or organic stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

45. Oregano

Oregano reduces fever. It is also useful for relieving indigestion, flatulence and bloating.

Women can use oregano to regulate their periods.

Scientific name:Origanum vulgare.

Oregano essential oil is easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of oregano, click here to discover our article.

46. Slippery elm

Slippery elm is a large tree native to North America.

It is particularly effective in treating digestive disorders. It is used to treat colic, constipation and hemorrhoids.

Slippery elm is also used to treat respiratory disorders:colds, flu, bronchitis, pleurisy and even tuberculosis.

But be careful:if you are pregnant, do not take slippery elm.

Scientific name:Ulmus rubra.

Slippery elm capsules are easily found at herbalists or health food stores. Otherwise, click here to buy some online.

To learn more about the benefits of slippery elm, click here to discover our article.

47. Passionflower

Passionflower is a climbing plant that grows in the southeastern United States and Mexico. It is also known as the “pomegranate creeper”.

Passionflower is widely known as a powerful anxiolytic. It can treat anxiety, irritability, insomnia, nervousness and panic attacks.

Passionflower can also be used as an antispasmodic treatment for high blood pressure, pain associated with menstruation and asthma.

Scientific name:Passiflora incarnata

La passiflore se trouve facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

Pour en savoir plus sur les bienfaits de la passiflore, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

48. Parsley

Le persil a une teneur élevée en vitamine C — mais seulement si on le consomme cru.

Par ailleurs, le persil facilite la digestion.

On peut aussi utiliser le persil pour ses propriétés décongestives et diurétiques.

Enfin, le persil élimine la mauvaise haleine et purifie le sang.

Nom scientifique :Petroselinum crispum.

Pour en savoir plus sur les bienfaits du persil, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

49. Le piment de Cayenne

Le piment de Cayenne est riche en capsaïcine.

Ce composant est reconnu pour atténuer les douleurs associées à l'arthrose et réguler le taux de glycémie.

Nom scientifique :Capsicum frutescens

Pour en savoir plus sur le bienfait du piment de Cayenne, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

50. Le pissenlit

On connaît surtout le pissenlit en salade (c'est délicieux avec des lardons).

Mais cette plante est également connue pour ses puissantes propriétés dépuratives. Elle élimine les toxines du foie, des reins et de la vésicule biliaire.

Le pissenlit peut aussi être utilisé pour traiter les verrues. Voici comment faire :

Il suffit d'appliquer le latex (la sève de la tige et des feuilles) directement sur votre verrue.

Répétez ce traitement 2 fois par jour jusqu'à ce que votre verrue disparaisse.

Nom scientifique :Taraxacum officinale.

Les gélules de pissenlit se trouvent facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

Pour en savoir plus sur les bienfaits du pissenlit, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

51. La sauge

Cette plante médicinale possède de nombreuses propriétés bienfaisantes pour l'organisme.

La sauge est utile pour soigner les infections de la gorge et des gencives.

C'est également un remède efficace contre les bouffées de chaleur associées à la ménopause.

En tisane, elle lutte contre le syndrome de l'intestin irritable et la diarrhée.

On peut aussi utiliser la sauge en usage externe pour les piqûres d'insectes.

Enfin, la sauge est connue pour lutter contre les problèmes de mémoire. C'est véritablement une plante médicinale polyvalente !

Nom scientifique :Salvia officinalis.

Les gélules de sauge bio se trouvent facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

Pour en savoir plus sur les bienfaits de la sauge, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

52. L'écorce de saule

L'écorce de saule est largement reconnue pour ses vertus curatives.

En 1853, un chimiste alsacien nommé Charles Frédéric Gerhardt réussit à synthétiser l'acide acétylsalicylique à partir de l'écorce de saule. Cela deviendra la substance active de l'aspirine.

L'écorce de saule possède les mêmes propriétés anti-inflammatoires et analgésiques que l'aspirine — sans fluidifier le sang.

C'est aussi un excellent remède contre les douleurs associées à l'arthrose.

Nom scientifique :Salix.

L'écorce de saule se trouve facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

53. Le souci

Le souci est une plante pérenne qui possède de nombreuses utilisations pour la peau.

On l'utilise pour soigner les éruptions cutanées, l'acné, les éraflures et les coups de soleil.

L'huile essentielle de souci est un remède efficace contre les boutons de fièvre.

Le souci est également un remède efficace contre les mycoses et la teigne.

Par ailleurs, le souci est utilisé pour traiter les troubles du foie, y compris l'hépatite.

Nom scientifique :Calendula officinalis.

L'huile essentielle de souci se trouve facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

54. La stellaire

La stellaire est une herbe qui pousse à travers l'Europe. Elle est aussi connue sous les noms « mouron blanc » ou « mouron des oiseaux » (les graines de cette plante sont appréciées par les oiseaux).

Beaucoup de jardiniers seront surpris d'apprendre que l'on peut fabriquer une pommade à partir de cette « mauvaise herbe ».

La pommade de stellaire soulage l'eczéma et les autres irritations de la peau.

On peut aussi l'utiliser pour soigner les brûlures légères, les piqûres d'insectes et les cicatrices.

Enfin, la stellaire atténue les douleurs de rhumatisme.

Nom scientifique :Stellaria media .

55. Le tilleul

La tisane de tilleul est un remède connu contre l'agitation et la nausée.

C'est également un remède efficace pour l'insomnie et les migraines.

Nom scientifique :Tilia ×europaea .

La tisane de tilleul se trouve facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

Pour en savoir plus sur les bienfaits du tilleul, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

56. Le raifort

Le raifort est surtout cultivé pour sa racine à usage condimentaire.

Mais le raifort est également un remède pour soulager la congestion de la poitrine et les douleurs musculaires.

Nom scientifique :Armoracia rusticana.

Pour en savoir plus sur les bienfaits du raifort, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

57. La réglisse

La réglisse est utilisée depuis des siècles dans la médecine chinoise.

Elle est réputée pour équilibrer le système nerveux.

Mais attention :la réglisse ne doit pas être utilisée à long terme. Elle peut nuire à la santé du foie et aggraver les problèmes d'hypertension artérielle.

Nom scientifique :Glycyrrhiza glabra.

Les gélules de réglisse se trouvent facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

Pour en savoir plus sur les bienfaits de la réglisse, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

58. Le romarin

Cette herbe aromatique possède de nombreuses vertus phytothérapeutiques.

Le romarin stimule le cœur et le système nerveux. Cela améliore la circulation sanguine vers le cerveau et le cuir chevelu.

Par conséquent, le romarin est un remède efficace contre les migraines et la perte de cheveux.

Le romarin améliore aussi la fonction d'enregistrer et de se rappeler des informations — il est utile pour aider la mémoire quand on révise pour un examen.

Le romarin est également un traitement utile pendant la période de convalescence après une maladie grave. Il est aussi connu pour augmenter l'optimisme.

Nom scientifique :Rosmarinus officinalis.

L'huile essentielle de romarin se trouve facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

Pour en savoir plus sur les bienfaits du romarin, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

59. Le trèfle rouge

Trèfle rouge est le nom que l'on donne aux variétés de trèfles dont les fleurs sont rouges, pourpres ou roses.

Le trèfle rouge est un remède efficace contre l'eczéma et le psoriasis.

Il est aussi utilisé comme traitement pour certaines formes de cancer.

Nom scientifique :Trifolium .

La teinture mère de trèfle rouge se trouve facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

60. Le thym

Cette plante est aussi connue sous les noms « serpolet » ou, dans le sud de la France, « farigoule ».

Le thym possède des vertus antibiotiques. On peut l'utiliser comme traitement contre l'asthme et les troubles respiratoires.

Nom scientifique :Thymus vulgaris .

L'huile essentielle de thym se trouve facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

Pour en savoir plus sur les vertus du thym, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

61. La valériane

Cette plante est utilisée depuis l'Antiquité pour ses effets tranquillisants. Elle lutte contre l'insomnie et les attaques de panique.

Mais attention :la valériane peut provoquer des maux de tête chez certaines personnes.

Nom scientifique :Valeriana officinalis

Les gélules de valériane se trouvent facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

Pour en savoir plus sur les bienfaits de la valériane, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

62. La verveine

La verveine possède des effets antidépresseurs, surtout après une infection virale comme la grippe.

Nom scientifique :Verbena officinalis

La tisane de verveine se trouve facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

Pour en savoir plus sur les bienfaits de la verveine, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre article.

63. La viorne obier

Cet arbuste est un remède efficace pour soigner les crampes.

Pour les douleurs associées aux règles, suivez un traitement de viorne d'obier quelques jours avant vos règles.

La viorne d'obier soigne aussi les douleurs et maux de tête associés à la ménopause.

Par ailleurs, on l'utilise aussi pour contrôler les muscles de la vessie en cas d'incontinence.

Enfin, la viorne obier soulage les douleurs du syndrome de l'intestin irritable.

Nom scientifique :Viburnum opulus .

L'huile essentielle de viorne obier se trouve facilement chez les herboristes ou dans les magasins bio. Sinon, cliquez ici pour en acheter en ligne.

Nos conseils

La phytothérapie est merveilleuse pour le traitement et la prévention des maladies communes.

Mais il n'est pas question d'utiliser les plantes médicinales pour remplacer les médicaments.

En revanche, toutes ces plantes peuvent apporter un soutien considérable au corps dans son processus de guérison.

Voilà pourquoi il ne faut pas attendre d’être malade pour se soigner. Plutôt, il faut choisir les plantes qui aident à rétablir les déséquilibres aussitôt qu’ils se font sentir.

Où trouver ces plantes médicinales ?

Les plantes médicinales et les huiles essentielles se trouvent facilement chez les herboristes et dans les magasins bio.

C'est aussi un bon moyen de dialoguer avec un personnel qualifié si l'on a des questions sur l'utilisation des plantes médicinales.

Pour votre commodité, nous avons aussi inclus des liens où vous pouvez acheter ces plantes sur Internet.

Il est aussi pratique de connaître les noms latins des plantes que l'on a l'habitude d'utiliser (c'est pour ça qu'on les a inclus pour vous).

Voilà, vous avez découvert les bienfaits de 63 plantes médicinales :-)

Vous connaissez d’autres utilisations des plantes médicinales ? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!