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Home remedies to keep your body warm in the fall and winter

It is autumn and the temperatures are dropping. Are you always cold? Then try these home remedies to keep your body warm in the fall and winter. The home remedies ensure good circulation, which makes you warmer.

Why do you suffer from problems with good circulation when it is cold outside?

When autumn sets in and temperatures drop, many people suffer from cold hands and feet. And this in turn causes you to get cold in general. That's not surprising when you consider that your circulatory system does everything it can to use the available energy to keep your organs warm. As a result, a large part of your blood remains in the center of your body and your limbs receive less blood. This ensures that your hands and feet are cold.

Home remedies to keep your body warm in autumn and winter

Fortunately, you don't have to put up with this. There are various home remedies that ensure that your blood circulation also ensures warm hands and feet in the colder months of the year. The best tips for warming up your body can be found below.

Ginger for a warm feeling inside

If there is one multi-talent, it is ginger. And ginger is an absolute must in the fall and winter. This miracle cure from nature gives a boost to your immune system and is also a perfect means to keep yourself warm. In addition, it is a natural means to dissolve mucus.

Ginger provides warmth through the substances found in this root. You can taste these as sharp and a little burning. If you already drink a cup of hot ginger tea, you can also warm your hands directly on the cup.

Note:DO NOT use ginger if you are on blood thinners!

Reading tip:Ginger lemon syrup against a cold

Spicy dishes warm your body

When it's cold outside, you can give your body a warm boost by eating spicy food. In addition to the aforementioned ginger, chili is a nice warm-up for your body. So make chili con carne (with a lot of spice) more often. Not only tasty, but also the perfect means to warm your body from the inside.

Fennel promotes blood circulation

Fennel is the perfect home remedy to boost your circulation. It does not matter so much whether you drink fennel as tea or add it to your salad or another dish. Fortunately, fennel can be used very versatile in the kitchen and has an immediate positive effect on your blood circulation.

Rosemary for your circulation:warmth and spice

If you use rosemary in the kitchen, you immediately add a little more spice and a Mediterranean note to a dish. If you use it externally you can warm your body naturally. Preferably use rosemary oil for this. This ensures that your blood circulation is stimulated. In addition, it helps to relax and is a blessing for the back, shoulders and neck.

Arnika oil warms your muscles

Are you always so cramped when it gets colder outside? Then try it with arnika oil. Arnika can be perfectly used in the form of a massage oil. Immediately after application you notice that your muscles warm up and you are less cramped as a result. Just like rosemary oil, a blessing for tense shoulder and neck muscles.

Foot bath with mustard powder for cold feet

Do your feet always feel like ice cubes in the fall and winter? Then a foot bath with mustard powder is a must for you. If you have warm feet, there is a good chance that the rest of your body is also less likely to feel cold. The fabrics in mustard ensure that your feet warm up quickly and you can feel that heat being drawn through your entire body.

Brush your body for good blood circulation

Maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't. Dry brushing as it is also called is an age-old method that is used to detoxify your body. Dry brushing your body before showering stimulates circulation. For the massage you use a special brush or a loofah sponge. Because your blood circulation is stimulated, your body warms up.

Visit the sauna

There is nothing better than visiting the sauna on a cold and windy day. The hot temperatures of a sauna stimulate your circulation and immediately ensure that your body becomes wonderfully warm. In addition, you of course benefit from all kinds of other health benefits when you use the sauna. All in all, a good excuse to take a dip in the sauna in the fall or winter.

Alternating showers as a stimulant for your blood circulation

You are probably not looking forward to it, but if you want to boost your blood circulation, an exchange shower is ideal. If you want to use alternating showers and take full advantage of them, you should shower in the morning. You shower three times alternately with warm and cold water. It is important that you always start with your feet and work your way up from there. ALWAYS end your shower with cold water.

Perhaps not exactly the way you thought you would start the day, but an effective way to keep you warm for a while.

Infrared light as a treatment for more heat

It is a less obvious home remedy, but it is guaranteed to help:infrared light. Incidentally, this not only helps to warm your body, but is also the perfect remedy for colds and cramped shoulder and neck muscles.

Just sit in front of the infrared light once or twice a day for no more than 10 minutes.