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Hangover ? My Spinach Miracle Recipe.

Hangover ? My Spinach Miracle Recipe.

The night before was too drunk? I have what it takes to cure your hangover:a good spinach salad!

1 glass, then 2, 3, or 6... it's the next day that you admit having drunk too much.

If you forgot to drink a few glasses of water to rehydrate yourself in the evening and avoid a hangover, there are miracle solutions for the next day.

My Anti-Hangover Spinach Recipe

Hangover ? My Spinach Miracle Recipe.

It's scientifically proven:spinach helps us fight hangovers, relieves our headaches and lowers blood pressure.

But hey, spinach like that, without anything, it's not really appealing for the day after cooking. So here is a nice little salad to fight your hangover in a healthy way.


- 2 cups of fresh spinach leaves

- 1 cup of melon cubed (for lost hydration from your thirsty body)

- 1/2 cup dried apricots (to keep fishing)

- 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts or crushed almonds

- raspberry vinegar

How to

Put all the ingredients in a large salad bowl. We prepare a vinaigrette made from raspberry vinegar . And we eat this salad in front of our favorite series.

We drink a lot of water, and even green tea, we tell you here why it's a brilliant idea.

And then if not, a good baked potato will mop up all that. Have a look.

Did you know this spinach recipe to pass your hangover? If you know any other tips, let me know in the comments. We can never be too careful! Thanks in advance.