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Tested:kilo bangers

Tested:kilo bangers

Very interesting, all those new diets and weight loss methods. But what really works? She experienced health physically. You can read about the editors' experiences in the April issue. One diet didn't fit the magazine, but we didn't want to withhold it from you…

Susanne, marketing intern
Length: 1.67 m
Weight for: 57.5 kg
Weight after diet: 55 kg
Test: A grip on carbohydrates by Yvonne Lemmers
Price: €22.50 for the basic book, €17.95 for the cookbook

Since you can eat varied with this program, I have no trouble getting into the rhythm. According to Lemmens, sniffing and lack of energy are due to consuming too many carbohydrates and little fat. Because I work long days and travel a lot, I was often tempted to have bread for dinner. When I stop doing that, I quickly notice a difference. I have more energy and less bloating. That bloated feeling is also apparent from an overload to get carbohydrates.

When Grip on Carbohydrates (GOK) program works with a green list (you are allowed unlimited), an orange (you are not allowed too much) and red (actually never) list. Since as a vegetarian I already ate the 'green' products (such as meat substitutes, vegetables and cheese) in abundance, I am very happy with this list. Bread is obviously not on this list, so I looked for an alternative. Fortunately, carbohydrate-restricted bread (for sale via turns out to be just as tasty as 'normal' bread. Only the low-carb bread is more expensive.

It is also the intention that you buy a lot fresh and as little prepackaged as possible, but I already did that before. With the cookbook and the tips from Lemmers it is not difficult to prepare a varied, low-carbohydrate meal every day. As soon as I started eating fewer carbohydrates, I noticed that I was less hungry. This made it even easier to maintain. The intended effect was to give myself the most healthy diet possible, which would make me feel more comfortable in my own skin. I feel less bloated and also fitter and more energetic.

The verdict of nutrition coach Amber Albarda:
“This is a great diet to get rid of your carbohydrate addiction. You suffer from this if you have a great need for sweets, especially after meals. This diet can help you get that back under control. And with Susanne it works really well, because she eats dinner again instead of bread. She will probably also feel a lot fitter because she eats a hot meal again in the evening.”

The Grip on Carbohydrates methode method has an online support

Read more about the April issue of Santé>