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Build a V-Body with No Materials.

Build a V-Body with No Materials.

The exercises presented here are taken from Free Weight Training, and therefore do not require no material.

You only need your body, a floor and gravity to make them!


here we go!

Build a V-Body with No Materials.

Develop your Backbones

The latissimus dorsi muscle is fundamental to giving you a V-shaped build, since its bundles start from the bottom of the spine and spread upwards towards the arms.

To develop it, practice the rower exercise, the alternative to pull-ups in Free Bodybuilding. Proceed as follows:

- Perform a set of 12 reps by releasing the weight of your thighs on your hands. Concentrate so that the pulling of the thighs by your hands is achieved by the contraction of your latissimus dorsi:you must feel the contraction under your armpits, on the sides of the trunk. Blow out for 30 seconds.

- Perform 3 sets of 8 reps by applying the principle of additional contraction . For this, you must press with your thighs on your hands to make the work of the latissimus dorsi and biceps harder. Blow out for 1 minute after each set.

- Finally, perform a series of 12 repetitions identical to the first (without additional contraction).

Broaden your shoulders

Broad shoulders go through developed deltoids, especially the outer bundle.

In Free Weight Training, its development goes through the exercise of push-ups, with a small variation:the feet must be close to the hands (1m/1m50), which goes up the buttocks, and the hands must be moved apart once and half shoulder width.

- Perform a set of 12 repetitions. Blow out for 45 seconds.

- Perform 3 sets as much repetitions you can . If you exceed 20, apply the principle of additional contraction to work your muscle more intensely and stay in the right range of repetitions (10 to 20):contract the outside of the shoulders throughout the movement. Blow 1 minute after each set.

- End with a series of 8 repetitions, without additional contraction.

Refine your size

Let's close the session with oblique work. By strengthening the muscles on the side of the belly, you will gain the bottom of your figure and refine it at the same time.

The exercise is the side plank :lie on your side, resting on your right forearm on the one hand (put on a towel if the contact is painful), and your right foot on the other. Raise your pelvis so that you are as straight as possible, with your head, trunk and legs perfectly aligned.

- Hold the pause for 1 minute on the right side, then 1 minute on the left side. Repeat 2 times.Blow out 30 seconds after each time you do on the left side.

When you can hold the minute easily, gradually increase the duration:1:05, 1:10, etc.

That's it, the session is over! Hoping that you will practice it diligently (3 times a week), do not hesitate to leave a comment. And keep moving smart!