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My 7 Tips for Sleeping Better at Night Without Sleeping Pills.

My 7 Tips for Sleeping Better at Night Without Sleeping Pills.

Having trouble sleeping?

We all experience, at certain times in our lives, sleep difficulties.

It's happened to me many times, and it still happens to me.

But suddenly I was able to develop some solutions.

And since then I sleep like a baby, and without any sleeping pills.

How to sleep better and wake up truly rested?

Here are 7 tips for better sleep that have worked for me.

My 7 Tips for Sleeping Better at Night Without Sleeping Pills.

  • 1. I try to listen to my body
  • 2. I adopt regular hours if possible
  • 3. I avoid using stimulants
  • 4. I turn off the screens
  • 5. I try to avoid sports in the evening
  • 6. I take care of my immediate environment
  • 7. I'm having a light dinner

1. I try to listen to my body

My body usually tells me clearly when I'm ready to sleep! Yawning, itchy eyes...

The sandman comes by, it's time to go to bed...

I no longer neglect these signals.

And I don't miss my hour of falling asleep.

2. I adopt regular hours if possible

As much for going to bed as for getting up, the rhythm is important.

So I try to respect it.

That's what we do for the kids.

But it is also valid for adults!

3. I avoid using stimulants

I cut coffee, tea, tobacco, coke and alcohol from 4 p.m.

4. I turn off the screens

Whether TV or computer, they are very bright.

And suddenly they slow down the production of the sleep hormone.

Unless there is an emergency, I find another occupation before going to bed.

For example a good book or a bath , much more relaxing!

5. I try to avoid sports in the evening

It is also exciting and makes the heart beat faster.

As a result, it interferes with the onset of sleep.

I prefer to practice my bodybuilding or my jogging in the morning or in the afternoon.

6. I take care of my immediate environment

I have a good mattress.

Without forgetting that I surround myself with silence (or I put earplugs).

And I make darkness in the bedroom.

I check that the temperature is below 19°C .

As you can imagine, all this provides good conditions for restful sleep.

7. I'm having a light dinner

If you stuff yourself with fries or sauces, sleep will be less easy.

Don't go to bed too soon after a meal anyway.

At least two hours of beating are needed to go to bed light.

There you go, now you know all my tips for better sleep.

They are simple but effective!

It's true that we all have periods of stress, professional concerns or private concerns...

Many disturbances can occur.

This prevents us from sleeping well, which inevitably has an impact on our period of activity.

But when all these conditions are met, in general, I fall asleep like a baby.

Without sleeping pills or drugs.

It's much more economical and natural!