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Ending Painful Menstruation:My 5 Drug-Free Natural Remedies.

Ending Painful Menstruation:My 5 Drug-Free Natural Remedies.

Nausea? Spasms? Headache ?

Menstruation is a tough time for many women.

In some, the pain is even excruciating.

Fortunately, there are home remedies that have been proven to relieve painful periods.

Here are 5 natural remedies to relieve or reduce period pain. Watch:

Ending Painful Menstruation:My 5 Drug-Free Natural Remedies.

1. A good foot bath or a good hot bath

In a basin, I put an egg yolk to be able to dilute 4 drops of essential oil of thyme, 6 drops of essential oil of sage, and 6 drops of essential oil of rosemary.

I then add very hot water (about 38°).

I prepare my little towel and well wedged under the desk, I soak my feet in it for about 10 min. I finish with a jet of cold water.

Temperature changes promote good blood circulation. Heat in particular helps our blood vessels to dilate and that's what we women need during our moons.

A good hot bath before going to bed to relax. No more than 15 min max though. And hop, once I'm warmed up, I sneak under the duvet.

I sometimes add 15 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil to an egg yolk that I mix in the bath. This essential oil is tranquilizing and antispasmodic.

2. A massage

I have my express 125ml bottle of Sweet Almond Oil ready to unleash its benefits in times of crisis. I added 15 drops of rosewood essential oil to it (lavender works too).

As soon as I feel a semblance of pain, I massage the lower abdomen with my little oil.

3. A hot water bottle, an antidote

And then, my eternal hot water bottle appears at home. The combined effects of essential oils and heat are beneficial to me.

Once in bed and my hot water bottle has cooled, I make myself a poultice of cabbage or green clay on my lower abdomen, which I leave on all night.

4. A decongestant wrap

If your pain is really strong, a chamomile flower wrap should do you good, at least it does for me!

Pour a tablespoon of chamomile in 1/2 liter of hot water for 20 min. Soak a clean cloth in it and then lay it on your stomach. A towel over it and hop to bed!

5. Relaxing stretches

Some exercises are also very good for relaxing our muscles:slow breathing exercises, shiatsu face crush (sitting, legs apart, leaning forward) and other stretches.


There you go, you now know how to relieve unbearable pain during your period :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

Plus, you don't need medication! These remedies are completely natural and economical.

It's been almost 7 years since I feel almost no pain or fatigue during my period.

But never mind, I always use grandmother's remedies for prevention, so as not to be handicapped 1/4 of my month by painful periods.

If this pain persists despite these natural solutions, consult a doctor.

Your turn...

If you have other tips to relieve our nana problems, do not hesitate to share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!