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Joint Pain:3 Natural Remedies To Relieve Them Quickly.

Joint Pain:3 Natural Remedies To Relieve Them Quickly.

You suffer from pain due to arthritis, rheumatism or drop?

This joint pain is hard to bear.

Fortunately, there are home remedies to relieve these inflammatory diseases.

Did you know that baking soda is a natural and fast treatment for joint pain?

Here are 3 grandmother's remedies with baking soda to prevent and relieve arthritis, rheumatism and gout . Watch:

Joint Pain:3 Natural Remedies To Relieve Them Quickly.

  • No. 1 remedy for joint pain
  • Remedy #2 for joint pain
  • Remedy #3 for joint pain
  • Why does it work?
  • How to avoid joint pain?
  • Which bicarbonate to use?

No. 1 remedy for joint pain

Did you know that certain foods can promote a seizure?

Yes, a meal that is too acidic can cause severe inflammatory pain.

Alcohol, deli meats, red meat, very salty foods, dairy products … are not recommended.

Did you just have a meal that was a little too rich? Don't risk having a seizure.

Indeed, why wait until you have pain to get treatment?

Take action right away by concocting a baking soda remedy.

For that, it's very simple. Start by pouring yourself a large glass of water.

Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to it.

Don't forget to stir to dissolve the baking soda.

Drink this beverage 2 hours before eating or just before going to bed.

This preventive treatment has the effect of neutralizing the acidity of your meal .

Remedy #2 for joint pain

Are you starting to feel those terrible pains in your left or right toe?

React immediately.

Pour yourself a large glass of water and add half a teaspoon of baking soda to it.

Mix it all up and drink it.

You can repeat this treatment up to 6 times a day as long as the crisis continues.

As soon as you feel better, the doses should be reduced.

So, when the pain is less severe, take this treatment once or twice a day.

You can complete this treatment with a baking soda bath as Pliny the Elder already recommended.

Find out how to do it here.

Now you know how to relieve a gout attack without medication.

And it works for finger, hand, foot, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, ankle or leg pain.

You can also soothe pain in the thumb, wrist, calf, back (upper and lower back), jaw and ear, big toe, base of the thumb, pelvis...

Remedy #3 for joint pain

Well did you know that high blood pressure increases the risk of developing osteoarthritis?

On the other hand, we often see the coexistence of arthritis and high blood pressure, especially in the elderly.

So, do you see where I'm coming from?

By limiting the risk of increasing blood pressure, we also limit the risk of developing osteoarthritis or triggering a crisis.

And a baking soda and lemon remedy is perfect to avoid raising the blood pressure.

Why ? Because you get a drink with the ideal pH to reduce the risk of increasing blood pressure.

For this, pour 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda into a glass. Then add 2 spoonfuls of lemon juice.

Mix everything. Don't worry, it will fizz.

Wait about 3 min so that there are no bubbles at all.

If you are having an attack, drink this remedy 6 times a day to soothe your pain.

Precaution: if you are already taking blood pressure medication, consult your doctor before taking this home remedy.

Why does it work?

Joint Pain:3 Natural Remedies To Relieve Them Quickly.

A diet that is too acidic tends to unbalance the pH of the blood.

What is a too acidic diet?

It is a diet that tends to alter the balance of our blood and make it too acidic.

And it can cause diseases.

An acidic diet often consists of processed foods high in saturated fat, salt and sugars.

There are also large quantities of meat, industrial pastries, carbohydrates, fried foods...

Stress and certain medications can also acidify the blood.

Know that the ideal pH of blood is 7.4, that is, it is slightly alkaline.

According to professor of molecular and cellular medicine, Gerald Litwack, consuming an acidic diet for several weeks can trigger an attack.

The body then reacts strongly, because it perceives a drop in blood pH.

It protects itself by diffusing magnesium and calcium from the skeleton in the form of crystals which pass into the blood.

The goal is to alkanize the blood to make it less acidic.

But this mineral puncture weakens the bones and eventually disfigures them.

And it promotes the development of osteoporosis, osteomalacia and arthritis.

Increased minerals in the blood can also contribute to hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

Not to mention that acidity will decrease immunity.

And if the immunity weakens, it is the door open to bacteria, viruses and parasites and all the diseases that result from them.

As we know, bicarbonate has an alkaline pH.

Consequently, a little bicarbonate in a glass of water helps rebalance the pH and neutralize the consequences of an acidic diet.

Another benefit of baking soda in this case is that baking soda can dissolve the uric acid crystals that trigger the painful gout attacks.

It also calms the inflammation of arthritis.

How to avoid joint pain?

Joint Pain:3 Natural Remedies To Relieve Them Quickly.

But we all agree:the best thing is to always do everything possible to prevent this pain.

You understand. Diet plays a big role!

You should avoid having a diet that is too acidic.

Here you will find foods that are forbidden when you suffer from arthritis pain (or polyarthritis), rheumatism or gout.

And you can also consult the list of natural and powerful anti-inflammatories.

Know that to avoid crises, nothing better than adopting the Cretan diet.

Doing sports regularly is also strongly recommended to alkanize the body.

Which bicarbonate to use?

For this use, it is important to use food grade baking soda or pharmaceutical grade baking soda.