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My Roots Show… I opt for the Zig-Zag Parting!

My Roots Show… I opt for the Zig-Zag Parting!

I love the super luminous tone of my latest hair color:California Blonde . But when my roots appear... Ouch... Not very graceful. My solution? The Zig-Zag line!

Bad luck, my natural color is much darker than my coloring and my hair is growing much faster than average.

Here's a little trick that allows me to fake it:the Zig-Zag parting.

A Pointed Handle Comb

The technique is very simple and only requires a comb as an accessory. Preferably with a pointed handle (otherwise I use a small wooden stick cut at the end, style wooden stick for skewers).

My Roots Show… I opt for the Zig-Zag Parting!

And a Simple Gesture

I draw a parting starting from the top of the forehead, while making small quick movements from left to right until the desired height of the parting. Thus, my natural locks intertwine with those colored and harmonize the color of my hair.

I can even go down to the nape of the neck to separate it in two to make pigtails or braids. A final zest of lacquer and you're done!

Now it's your turn to test! I await your comments!