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3 Office Exercises to Lose Saddlebags.

3 Office Exercises to Lose Saddlebags.

No time to work out?

Well here are exercises to do at work to eliminate your saddlebags.

Going to the gym or working out when you have a super busy schedule between hard work, turbulent children, the indomitable dog and a husband equal to himself...

It sometimes seems impossible and very often, if we have a little time in front of us, it is to relax, not to torture ourselves.

3 Office Exercises to Lose Saddlebags.

  • Objective, reshape the lower body
  • 1. Zoom on the thighs
  • 2. Watch out for the buttocks
  • 3. For a wasp waist

So, for the active and dynamic women that we are, I found exercises to do every day, without encroaching on our schedule.

How? 'Or' What ? By taking advantage of situations, at work for example, where we are not active to strengthen our goddess bodies... (Yes, yes, if we believe in it, we are positive!)

Objective, reshape the lower body

Saddlebags are one of the women's specialties that we could do without!

So, to erase these unsightly shapes, here are 3 simple exercises to do as soon as we have the opportunity.

1. Zoom on the thighs

Starting position: sitting on my chair, legs bent, I squeeze my knees very hard against each other. 30 seconds, then I release 30 seconds.

Repetition: progressing (Day 1:3 times, day 2:5, day 3:7 etc...)

Target area: inner thighs.

2. Watch out for the buttocks

Starting position:standing, at the coffee break, at a red light, on the phone while waiting for the metro, I squeeze my buttocks and hold for 15 seconds. I release for 30 seconds.

Repetition: at least 3 sets.

Target area: buttocks (action on the three gluteal muscles).

3. For a wasp waist

Starting position: seated, I stand very straight, shoulders a little back. The feet are on the ground, well anchored. I clench my abs, stare into the distance, then turn my shoulders outward, being careful not to move my pelvis. I maintain the position for 5 seconds.

Repetition: at least 10 times,

Target area: hips, waist.

You will see, these are simple habits to adopt that will become reflexes.