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The natural low-calorie diet, adopted by Scarlett Johansson.

The natural low-calorie diet, adopted by Scarlett Johansson.

We deprived ourselves, we hated our balance, we spent hundreds of euros in useless programs. I think the natural low-calorie diet is ultimately the most effective, and I'm not the only one, even Scarlett Johansson has adopted it.

I rather tend to advise everyone to stay themselves and develop their own personality. If here I take the example of Scarlett Johansson to illustrate my article, it is only so that you have a "concrete" example. On her, the beneficial effects of the low-calorie diet are obvious.

The tips are very easy to follow. Just eat right. Simply. And to exert yourself in such a way as to burn more calories than you eat. A well-follow low-calorie diet will be a good nutritious ally, you will not have any deficiencies.

It’s about finding a good balance between all types of food. The best solution is to check the pH of your food:do not exceed 9, do not go below 7.5 (verifiable on labels, or on tables present for example on the net on this site).

We tend to favor so-called "acid" foods too much (red meat rather than white, too much chocolate and dairy products), and to forget on the other side to consume fruits, vegetables, finally all plants...

Acidic foods are not necessarily more fatty, and only make you fat if we neglect the notion of balance with less acidic foods.

Have you ever adopted a low calorie diet? Come and testify in the comments.

Savings Achieved

The savings are simple to achieve with this diet because they are due to the fact that you continue to buy your usual foods. You are entitled to your starchy foods, you just have to keep this notion of balance in mind. Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables, they are cheaper, or think about frozen.

And to spend yourself pleasantly and lose a little weight, there's no need to go and register for a gym tomorrow:go to the market on foot, run behind a ball with your children, take the dog out once more during the day …you'll be exercising without realizing it.