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How to Have a Beautiful Mouth? Scarlett Johansson's Secret.

How to Have a Beautiful Mouth? Scarlett Johansson s Secret.

No, no, I promise, I'm not doing a "Scarlett Johansson" series "...

In fact the point is to explain to you how to succeed in having a mouth as luscious as his, in the most natural way. possible!

We all - and especially all - agree:natural means "without aesthetic operation" and without using a series of products, not necessarily good for the skin, the environment, or the wallet. Natural therefore means "with simple gestures that everyone can do".

First of all, I admit that I only thought about it a short time ago, but we must say to ourselves that ourlips are like the rest of our face:they can be erased so that they lose their little flaws... A little scrub two minutes once a week, and sincerely they change their radiance! It's impressive. No more dead skin and other small inconveniences.

Another natural trick , and again which we don't necessarily think of, but like the other parts of our body, our mouth can do gymnastics... We all know exercises for our abs, or our buttocks, but there is one also for our mouth:you place your index fingers on the corners of your mouth. You press to get an "O". You then try to smile, forcing your lips a little, because of your pressing fingers. You hold this for 15 seconds, you release... and you can do this 3 to 4 times a day, it's quick and discreet (even in the office!)

Finally, it is necessary, and especially in winter, to think about moisturizing your lips. There are sticks in all price ranges, which prevent unsightly cracking. Your lips are finally ready to receive your lipstick (or your translucent gloss, if you want to stay natural all the way)


In order to save money, buy your anti-chapping stick in a supermarket. In winter there are all brands, and at all prices. They will be much more affordable than in pharmacies. For exfoliation, there is no need to buy specific products:keep one of your toothbrushes (preferably soft), it will do the trick and will last a long time. Finally, for lipstick or lip gloss, consider smart shopping on the Internet:it's a non-perishable product, so you can buy it in batches of 5, or even more.