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My Canker Sore Solution Approved by my Pharmacist.

My Canker Sore Solution Approved by my Pharmacist.

A small ulcer on the tongue or on the lip?

Canker sores are my worst enemies.

Nothing better to ruin my day than to find that I have one on my tongue.

I can't help crushing it for hours, biting it and inevitably it makes things worse. A real vicious circle...

Fortunately, there is a really effective and inexpensive grandmother's trick to avoid suffering from a poor little canker sore.

It's now or never to apply my little health tip. The natural solution is green clay.

My Canker Sore Solution Approved by my Pharmacist.

How to

1. Fill a glass with lukewarm water.

2. Add a teaspoon of clay.

3. Mix.

4. Make a mouthwash.


There you go, you cured your canker sore quickly :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

I know, it's not very good, but it works every time :a few minutes later you no longer feel the presence of the mouth ulcer.

Where to get green clay?

There are several types of green clay:paste, cream, powder...

Powdered clay (more commonly known as "montmorillonite clay") can be found at any drugstore or aromatherapy store worth their salt.

His price ? Hold on tight, it only costs €3 for a large 250g bag. It's 100% natural and it's exceptionally effective in treating lots of little sores. The proof with canker sores!

Your turn...

And you, do you use this remedy? Does it work for you as well as for me? Tell me everything in comments. We can't wait to read you!