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5 Inexpensive Ingredients to Keep the Line.

5 Inexpensive Ingredients to Keep the Line.

You chain diet after diet and you can't find a size wasp? Maybe you should try these 5 natural ingredients and friends of your line.

For a diet to be effective, it is not necessarily necessary to deprive yourself. All nutritionists will tell you:the important thing is to know how to use the ingredients wisely. Here is for you, exclusively, my selection of 5 inexpensive products that help us keep in shape:

1. Green tea . You guessed it, I couldn't do an article on the diet without mentioning green tea. The famous beverage contains an impressive variety of agents capable of slowing down weight gain.

Theine, tannins, catechins:here are three faithful friends of your diet that slow down the assimilation of fats and burn calories during activity or at rest.

In addition, green tea is a great appetite suppressant. That's why I buy 4 boxes a month at the supermarket (all the brands have discount green tea for €3 a box) and I drink it at least 3 times a day. Result:a healthy mind in a healthy body (yes, it's true).

2. Chilli . Yes, I know, not everyone likes it, but after all, you have to suffer to be beautiful, right?

Yes, because this ingredient increases energy expenditure, and therefore calories, thanks to the ingredient that gives it all its spiciness:the alkaloid.

So don't hesitate, as soon as you can, eat Mexican, because chilli doesn't cost anything and it gives a super cool and "caliente" look to an aperitif.

3. Cinnamon . Yes, cinnamon may give a delicious sweet taste to our food, it contains few or no calories. It is for this reason, moreover, that it can very well be used instead of sugar and not gain weight at all.

My advice:buy as many as you can at the market. Cinnamon keeps well and it's really not expensive at all.

4. Wine vinegar . Here is an awesome ingredient to balance blood sugar level.

Nutritionists advise drinking a few spoonfuls after meals to get rid of almost 50% of sugar.

A bottle of wine vinegar costs 30 cents in the supermarket. In addition to regulating your line, this product can help you with thousands of household chores. Might as well enjoy it, right?

5. Oat bran . Like all cereals, oats fit perfectly into a diet because it effectively regulates the level of fat in the body.

I had already told you about it, but me, every morning, I make myself a good bowl of oats with nuts in 0% cottage cheese (in addition to a cup of green tea and a glass of juice). 'orange). The effect is unstoppable:I'm not hungry during the day, so I don't ruin myself for lunch, and I still feel in great shape.

5 Inexpensive Ingredients to Keep the Line.

And you, do you consume these products to keep a thin waist? If not, do you plan to go for it? Tell us everything in the comments.