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Phase 1 of The Best Diet In The World

Twenty readers test for Santé The Best Diet In The World. They have since received the book and have started the diet. We are very curious:is this diet really the best diet in the world? Read on for the results of the survey that the testers completed.

Two phases
In the first phase of The Best Diet in the World you will be helped on your way to lose the necessary kilos. The book promises 8 kilos in 4 weeks. In phase 2, the most important thing starts:sticking to your new and healthy lifestyle. Our testers are in phase 1:Losing weight. Some are still on vacation and therefore not very long on the diet (less than two weeks). Other women are now two to 4 weeks into it.

Lose weight
Have our testers lost weight so far? The majority answer is yes. Almost three quarters have already lost weight. On average, it is about 2 kilos per person. For some it is a little more, for others a little less. Not surprising, since some are only just starting a diet. Fact:On average, it corresponds well with what the book promises, which is that you will lose 1 to 2 kilos per week.

Useful information
In the book The Best Diet in the World you will find recipes for the first four weeks of the diet and explanations to various questions you may have when you are losing weight. Do carbohydrates make you fat? Does Calcium Make You Slim and Can You Really Have a Slow Metabolism? The explanations and feeding schedules in the book are clear, according to more than 80 percent of the testers. Nice when it comes to terms like glycemic index. The book helps you on your way in understanding complex information about nutrition.

The dishes
More than half think the dishes are easy to prepare and tasty. Other advantages mentioned are:the diet is easy to maintain. If you eat according to the guidelines, you will feel full afterwards. Everyone (except for one person) finds the dishes varied enough. Some women could not find all the ingredients used in the supermarket, but luckily there is a lot to order online.

Our testers aren't here yet. Over the next few weeks, they will continue to work on their new lifestyle. We will keep you informed of their experiences on Also read the blogs written about The Best Diet In The World.

You can order the book (€19.95) via the website.