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Lose Weight Without Being Hungry? The Ideal Diet Before Summer.

Lose Weight Without Being Hungry? The Ideal Diet Before Summer.

One ​​of my girlfriends lost 5kg thanks to a weight loss diet weight without being hungry.

She explained everything to me and it seems easy too!

Do you know the glycemic index diet?

It allows you to classify foods according to their effect on blood glucose levels, starting with those that are best assimilated by our body to those that end up in the buttocks!

What's new about this diet?

Before, we distinguished between fast sugars and slow sugars, explaining that the former (sugar, confectionery, etc.) provided a short-term energy boost and the latter (pasta, rice, bread, etc.) provided the body with more sustainable energy.

This smart diet shows that slow sugars are also those that are assimilated most quickly by the body.

Discover the classification of foods according to their Glycemic Index:

- Low GI: Sour fruits (apples, oranges, red fruits, tomatoes), avocados, black bread, quinoa, al dente pasta, raw carrots.

- Average GI: Sweet fruits (melon, kiwi, banana, pears), wholemeal bread, jam, potato, basmati rice, pizza.

- High GI: Sugar, fries, white rice, white bread, cooked carrots.

How to use this list for your GI diet?

- Please note that the glycemic index varies depending on how a food is cooked. Cooked carrots have a higher glycemic index than raw carrots. Likewise for pasta, it is better to eat it "Al dente", its index will be lower.

- Consuming low GI foods is therefore recommended.

- Do not combine two high GI foods in the same meal such as meat and bread or cheese and bread.

With this diet, I can eat as many good little ones homemade meals I want and it doesn't show. I no longer need to deprive myself, as long as I make the right associations, I can enjoy myself every day.

Stunning, isn't it? :)

Also, don't forget to drink plenty of water so you don't confuse hunger with thirst.

Savings achieved

By paying attention to your line, you are paying attention to your bank account. And yes, when I finally decide to eat more fruits and vegetables, I spend less than buying ready-made meals full of fat that cost an arm and a leg for what's in them!

Also remember to eat the fruits and vegetables of the season to get the best rate.

The healthier you eat, the more you save! Now it's up to you girls!;)