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The 10 Best Types of Tea and Their Health Benefits.

The 10 Best Types of Tea and Their Health Benefits.

The different teas are a great way to instantly refresh and relax .

Each kind of tea has its own health benefits.

Some are effective for headaches and others for relieving muscle aches.

You will understand, there is a good tea for each symptom!

As there are a lot of varieties of teas, it is sometimes difficult to navigate among all these remedies. So what is the best tea for your health?

So to make your life easier, here are the 10 best types of tea and their health benefits:

The 10 Best Types of Tea and Their Health Benefits.

1. Green tea

Green tea is a versatile tea with well-known benefits. It is perfect for treating certain ailments and health problems. Green tea has the power to reduce pain related to arthritis, inflammation and aches after physical exercise. It is also great for reducing bloating. Why ? Because green tea contains an active ingredient:EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which is a powerful catechin. It is also a detox ally in diets to lose weight.

Benefits: acts against bloating, relieves pain, allergies, acne and promotes weight loss. Discover its 11 benefits here.

Where to find it? We recommend this organic green tea.

2. Chamomile

If you ate a little too much during a dinner, consider drinking a cup of chamomile tea afterwards. This will help relax your muscles, especially those that facilitate transit. This will prevent you from having too much gas in your stomach. Chamomile is also known to soothe and relax, which can help relieve digestive issues. Chamomile tea can also help soothe psoriasis, eczema and acne. Finally, it also helps with falling asleep and treating conjunctivitis.

Benefits: facilitates sleep, cures skin problems, digestive problems, anxiety and bloating.

Where to find it? We recommend this organic chamomile.

3. Mint tea

Peppermint tea has soothing pain-relieving effects that are great for treating digestive upsets like gas and bloating. It is also effective against headaches and menstrual cramps. Indeed, it has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits: relieves nausea, treats bad breath, digestive problems, headaches and menstrual pain.

Where to find it? We recommend this organic mint tea.

4. Hibiscus

Hibiscus flowers contain high levels of antioxidants. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, hibiscus tea is well known for lowering blood pressure. It is also very useful for fighting against inflammation of all kinds, whether it is on the mucous membranes in the case of sore throats, gums in the event of mouth ulcers and also cystitis.

Benefits: lowers high blood pressure and treats respiratory problems.

Where to find it? We recommend this sachet of organic hibiscus flowers.

5. Oolong tea

The health benefits of oolong tea are well known in Asia. In particular, it reduces the risks associated with heart disease and inflammatory disorders. It also helps to reduce cholesterol levels. It also stimulates thinking skills and improves mental alertness.

Benefits: promotes weight loss and boosts metabolism

Where to find it? We recommend this organic oolong tea.

6. Chai tea

Chai tea is a blend of herbs and spices. It has been served for centuries in India. It is recognized for its soothing virtues but that's not all. It is useful against heartburn, cough, colds and indigestion. It is also effective against bloating and gas.

Benefits: fights inflammation, stimulates the immune system and treats coughs and colds.

Where to find it? We recommend this organic chai tea.

7. Matcha tea

Matcha tea is rich in antioxidants, so when you drink it your body will produce more energy. This Japanese tea also helps strengthen the immune system. The high amount of anti-oxidants found in this tea also helps keep skin healthy and naturally protects against harmful UV rays. Finally, it promotes weight loss in the stomach area.

Benefits: stimulates the immune system, detoxifies and burns belly fat.

Where to find it? We recommend this organic matcha tea

8. Black tea

Black tea is made from the dried leaves of the shrub which give it that dark color. It helps cure blood sugar level problems and curb food cravings. The combination of these two effects stimulates weight loss. Black tea is also effective in treating headaches and loss of balance.

Benefits: treats problems related to blood sugar levels, stimulates weight loss, soothes headaches and treats diarrhea...

Where to find it? We recommend this organic black tea.

9. White tea

White tea has a very delicate taste and is rich in antioxidants. It is known to boost metabolism. The presence of amino acids and L-theanine, in generous quantities in this tea, helps fight stress and improve concentration.

Benefits: anti-stress, anti-aging, stimulates weight loss and detoxifies.

Where to find it? We recommend this organic white tea.

10. Ginger tea

Ginger has been used to relieve stomach ailments for centuries. This spice reduces stomach aches and relieves bloating. Drinking hot ginger tea helps digestion. Discover all the benefits of ginger here.

Benefits: treats bloating, digestive issues, colds, sore throats, upset stomachs, and menstrual cramps.

Where to find it? We recommend this organic ginger tea.

There you go, you now know the different kinds of teas and their benefits.

Last bit of advice, choose quality teas, in bags or in bulk, preferably organic, so that they are pesticide-free.