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26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Looking for powerful laxatives to solve your constipation problems?

Do you also want them to be 100% natural and fast acting?

Well I know quite a few home remedies that will interest you...

With them, you no longer need to go to the pharmacy to buy expensive and ineffective drugs.

Whether the constipation is chronic or transient, I show you how to get your intestines working again!

I who suffered from constipation for years, these remedies have allowed me to find a real baby transit.

Discover 26 natural laxatives to go to the bathroom quickly on a daily basis. Watch:

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

  • 1. Drink prune juice
  • 2. Drink apple cider vinegar
  • 3. Drink date water
  • 4. Drink hot water
  • 5. Take some agar-agar
  • 6. Take a spoonful of olive oil
  • 7. Take a spoonful of castor oil
  • 8. Drink an apple juice/olive oil mix
  • 9. Drink a mix of lemon juice and olive oil
  • 10. Drink a mix of fruit juice and flower pollen
  • 11. Drink a mixture of milk and seeds
  • 12. Drink fig syrup
  • 13. Drink coffee
  • 14. Eat dried fruits
  • 15. Drink fruit juice with pulp
  • 16. Eat chia seeds
  • 17. Drink ginger herbal tea
  • 18. Drink dandelion herbal tea
  • 19. Eat Psyllium
  • 20. Drink aloe vera juice
  • 21. Drink organic rosemary herbal tea
  • 22. Eat oat bran and wheat bran
  • 23. Eat apples, pears, rhubarb
  • 24. Eat fat
  • 25. Eat yogurt
  • 26. Eat black radishes
  • Result


1. Drink prune juice

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

We start this list with one of the fruits most recognized for its laxative qualities:the prune.

Ultra-rich in fibre, prunes mainly contain dihydroxyphenylisatin, sorbitol and phenolic compounds.

Do you know what it is?

They are substances that have powerful laxative effects and have the power to constrict the intestines.

A good swig of prune juice on an empty stomach sends you straight to a bowel movement during the day.

Obviously, this fruit can also be consumed throughout the day in its whole form.

2. Drink apple cider vinegar

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

The excellent cider vinegar is obviously one of the 100% natural laxatives.

It is full of benefits and above all helps to renew the intestinal flora.

Put 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 of honey in a glass of water.

Mix and drink your potion to relieve your digestive troubles very quickly.

3. Drink date water

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Before going to sleep at night, put 2 dates in a glass of water and leave them like that all night.

In the early morning and before lunch, crush the dates a little with a spoon.

You just have to drink this little beverage full of fiber to free your intestines.

Head to the toilet a few hours later.

4. Drink hot water

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

So yes, this remedy seems a bit simplistic like that...

...yet it is terribly effective!

After a good night's sleep and as soon as you get up, drink a cup of hot water.

It's radical for waking up and stimulating transit.

5. Take some agar-agar

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

I imagine that many do not know what "agar-agar" is.

It is a natural product from Japan which notably replaces animal fat in culinary preparations.

It is also an excellent appetite suppressant.

But hey what matters to us here, is that it is a powerful laxative.

Agar-agar can be consumed in powder form with hot tea or coffee, for example.

Put only 1 g, let stand 2 min and mix before drinking.

You can go up to 3 g per day if you want to have an even greater effect.

6. Take a spoonful of olive oil

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

One to two tablespoons of virgin olive oil are enough to stimulate the mucous membranes of the intestines.

This has the effect of unblocking well-established constipation and making the colon work better.

A little tip:if the taste of oil puts you off a bit, add a little lemon juice.

7. Take a spoonful of castor oil

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Castor oil is known to be an "express" laxative.

This substance acts quickly, even very quickly on your organism.

These effects, after consumption, are felt after only 4 or 8 hours depending on the person.

Simply take 1-2 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach and... get set.

8. Drink an apple juice/olive oil mix

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

A very effective little grandmother's mixture, anyone?

Take 2 apples (preferably organic), wash them and cut them into pieces.

Remove the pips and pass them through your juicer.

Pour the juice into a glass and add the olive oil in the same proportions.

Drink your potion for 2 or 3 days to regain normal transit.

9. Drink a mix of lemon juice and olive oil

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Another very effective mix based on olive oil exists, but this time accompanied by lemon juice.

Olive oil lubricates the intestines while lemon aids digestion.

Squeeze half a lemon into a glass and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Well, I won't hide from you that it's a bit bitter like that.

So add a teaspoon of honey to sweeten the taste.

10. Drink a mix of fruit juice and flower pollen

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Do you have leftover apple or grape juice?

Well mix it in a glass with a generous tablespoon of flower pollen in natural balls.

Mix everything well and drink on an empty stomach.

This potion works wonders on your transit and digestion.

11. Drink a mixture of milk and seeds

The preparation of this natural laxative is simple and effective.

In a saucepan, boil some milk.

Add a heaping tablespoon of fennel seeds and a cardamom seed.

Accompany everything with a cinnamon stick to add flavor.

Strain the potion and drink it warm.

12. Drink fig syrup

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Figs are laxative fruits, because they are very fibrous.

On an empty stomach, they can be consumed in the form of juice rather than in pieces.

Do a small cure every morning as soon as you wake up for 3 or 4 days to relieve occasional constipation.

You'll be running to the bathroom faster than you think!

13. Drink coffee

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Do you need your coffee every morning to wake you up well?

Well know that this drink also has laxative effects.

Without going into too much detail, be aware that coffee produces large quantities of stomach acids.

These acids accelerate evacuation from the stomach to the intestines which greatly improves transit.

Coffee also promotes the synthesis of cholecystokinin and the creation of good bacteria for the microbiota.

All of this aids digestion.


14. Eat dried fruits

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

There is a small laxative preparation based on dried fruits that is quite effective.

In a bowl, mix a dried apricot, raisins, 1 fig, 1 date and 2 pitted prunes.

Add some almonds and enjoy.

Not only is it very energizing, but in addition the fibers contained in these fruits send you directly to the saddle.

15. Drink fruit juice with pulp

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

The dryness of the stools, when they stay too long in the colon, is a cause of constipation.

To avoid this phenomenon, they must be rehydrated.

But contrary to popular belief, drinking water is not enough to solve the problem.

The water is evacuated in the urine and ultimately has almost no effect on the stool (apart from Hepar water).

Only fruit juices with pulp that contain fiber and water are effective.

The pulp allows water to be retained in the stool and therefore to rehydrate it.

Which pulp juice is the most recommended you will ask me?

Well, I would say grapefruit juice without hesitation.

It contains naringinin which stimulates colon secretions.

16. Eat chia seeds

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Consuming foods full of fiber is the key to no longer being constipated.

And with the chia seeds, you will be served. They contain 40% fiber!

If that's not a natural laxative, I don't know what to tell you...

These seeds are also very rich in magnesium and vitamin B9.

Do you know what that means?

That they relieve constipation, as they help stimulate the formation of digestive acids.

In case of severe constipation, I offer you a little grandmother's recipe that has proven itself.

In a bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and oats.

Add 3 tablespoons of buckwheat flakes then pour a little milk over the preparation.

Leave to rest in the fridge overnight.

The next day, take out the bowl, add 1 tablespoon of dried fruit, a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Take your breakfast formula and be ready to go to the bathroom in the morning.


17. Drink ginger herbal tea

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

No, I'm not going to tell you about your libido, but about constipation.

Because a ginger herbal tea with lemon juice, it facilitates digestion while being a very good laxative.

Take a tablespoon of finely chopped ginger root.

Place it over a cup, pour boiling water and leave to infuse for 10 min.

You just have to filter without forgetting to add the juice of half a lemon juice.

This small mixture is also very effective against intestinal gas.

18. Drink dandelion herbal tea

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

In case of very disturbed transit, dandelion herbal tea helps you return to a normal state.

Take a heaped teaspoon of dried roots and pour boiling water over it.

Consume 1-3 cups a day of this potion.

19. Eat Psyllium

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

I don't think you've ever heard of psyllium, have you?

For your information, it is a plant native to Asia widely used to solve digestive problems.

It is very rich in mucilage fibers (viscous substance).

The mucilage is very important, because once in the intestines, it retains water and softens the stool.

This makes this plant a formidable natural laxative.

Psyllium is most often sold in powder form.

Mix it with fruit juice, a smoothie or in a cake to consume it.

Finally, be aware that psyllium is ideal for people intolerant to gluten (it does not contain any).

20. Drink aloe vera juice

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Aloe vera has many benefits.

What is less known, is that this plant is also very good for transit.

It contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins B9, vitamins C, and especially anthranoids.

For information, anthanoids are molecules with very powerful laxative effects.

Aloe vera leaf extracts mix into fruit juices or smoothies.

There are also ready-made juices that can be consumed like this.

Be careful to check that the juice is not overly processed and that the Aloe barbadensis content is high.

21. Drink organic rosemary herbal teas

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

When you're constipated, it's not always because of a sluggish bowel.

It can also be a biliary problem from the liver that prevents proper digestion.

This is where rosemary herbal teas come in.

Drink it 3 times a day (1 teaspoon to 1 cup of water) to increase bile production.

Digestion is better and you find a normal transit to go to the saddle.


22. Eat oat bran and wheat bran

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

To stop constipation, nothing better than eating fibre.

Oat and wheat bran are particularly recommended, as they are very rich in soluble and insoluble fibre.

Sprinkle your dishes with these 2 substances without exceeding the following proportions:

Put 2 spoonfuls of oat bran and 1 spoonful of wheat bran; no more.

23. Eat apples, pears, rhubarb

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Apples and pears are very fibrous fruits that contain what is called pectin.

Eating this substance strongly stimulates our intestines and therefore our transit.

It improves the consistency of the stools which facilitates their elimination.

Rhubarb will also provide you with a naturally very laxative substance:anthraquinone.

These fruits can be eaten in pieces or stewed. The effects are the same.

24. Eat fat

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Fats (oil, butter, margarine), allow the intestines to be lubricated, which improves transit.

Only condition; these fats should be eaten raw or slightly heated.

Because if they are burned, the opposite effect occurs; they delay digestion!

Of course, for calorie reasons, we don't abuse it either.

25. Eat yogurt

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

We don't necessarily know it, but the lactose contained in yogurts has laxative effects.

Yogurts also contain so-called probiotics.

These probiotics rebalance the gut microbiota while promoting intestinal contractions.

Yoghurts with active bifidus are well known for that.

26. Eat black radishes

26 Natural (and Powerful) Laxatives for Going to the Bathroom Illico.

Black radish is a very fibrous vegetable, rich in vitamin C and potassium.

It is therefore very suitable for effectively fighting constipation, because it helps to soften the stool.

Its taste is quite strong and pungent, like rutabaga if you know.

I therefore advise you to consume it in thin strips like a carpaccio.

Season everything with a little olive oil, salt and pepper with a zest of lemon.


And There you go; you now know the natural remedies to stop constipation.

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

No need to go to the pharmacy to buy products with sometimes questionable compounds.

These laxatives have an immediate effect for an instant result.

In addition, anyone can consume it.

Adults, children, the elderly, pregnant or breastfeeding women...

All of these ingredients cleanse and re-function the intestines naturally.